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'She looked at the reflection in the mirror.
The face of a 17-year old girl
that had seen too many horrifying things
happen in front of her.
And though she couldn't see him,
she knew he was standing behind her.
She could feel the cold fog at her shoulder,
he held his hand there.
She pretended to be happy, tried to smile.
She didn't fool him.

will be yours.
For as long as you live.
I'll be bound to you until you die.
And after your death,
we'll be equal again
and we'll exist together
for the rest of eternity. "

Tears started to flow down her cheeks and
she heard him whimper as he couldn't stand
to be there, not being able to console.
He pleaded, but the tears didn't stop.
They ran even faster when she heard his soft, sad voice:

"I'll be back when you ask for me."

She knew he was gone again,
not because she heard him disappear,
but because the room suddenly got warmer.
She'd learned to hate the warmth and
guilt made her fall down on the floor, crying and screaming.
Soon her mother would come,
running up the stairs to check on her,
only to find her daughter helpless on the floor,
as so many times before.'