
omegle <3Sunnuntai 06.06.2010 04:25

Stranger: hi
You: hi
Stranger: what is your favorite color?
You: blue
You: yours ?
Stranger: blue also
You: cool
You: how old are you ?
Stranger: 24
You: man ?
Stranger: i mean 15
You: lol
You: im 17
Stranger: this one time last year I was an astronaut and went to the moon in a spaceship
You: really interesting -,-
Stranger: you're boring
Stranger: i mean interesting
You: yes i am boring
Stranger: have you used this thing before?
Stranger: I just heard about it and am scewing around..
You: yes i have, many times
Stranger: i actually don't really want to be your friend or anything
You: lol
Stranger: are you some creepy old dude that tricks people in meeting up with you in some parking lot for some candy?
You: yeah, sure i am :)
You: are you ?
Stranger: no I am a young person who is an idiot and wants to get tricked into giving you my social security number and my virginity
You: that is so nice of you :)
Stranger: so are you gonna ask me if I want candy or whatever
You: do you want candy ? ;)
You: or pussy ?

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