


14.06.07 20:24 <HighwayChild> Blowjobs for 5 €

Day 30 - Anything SPN relatedPerjantai 04.02.2011 19:39

Day 30 - Anything SPN related

Lucifer.. Helvetin hyvä hahmo ja perkeleen hyvä näyttelijä !

Day 29 - Your favourite SPN fanficPerjantai 04.02.2011 19:36

Day 29 - Your favourite SPN fanfic

Crossover !

Day 28 - Your favourite season finalePerjantai 04.02.2011 19:34

Day 28 - Your favourite season finale

Season 5 - "Swan Song"

(Taas Zeppeliiniin liittyvä nimi ;))
Day 27 - Your favourite season intro episode

Season 2 - "In My Time of Dying"

Day 26 - Your favourite SPN fanvidPerjantai 04.02.2011 19:32

Day 26 - Your favourite SPN fanvid

Örh, ei mulla ole mitään favourittia siitä :/
Day 25 - Something that you wish happened but didnÂ’t

Amy Gumenick takasin ! Eli uus flashback-jakso ! ;D
Day 24 - An episode you wish never happened

Eiköhän se ole se Ghostfacers...
Day 23 - The character that is most like you

Deanin musiikkimaku ja Samin luonne :)

Day 22 - Your favourite minor characterPerjantai 04.02.2011 19:28

Day 22 - Your favourite minor character

Bobby: "Just don't swallow it"
Rufus: "Okay, Bobby, I'm swallowing it!"

Day 21 - Your favourite character entrancePerjantai 04.02.2011 19:25

Day 21 - Your favourite character entrance

Ehdottomasti !