


그 누구도 너를 나보다 사랑 할 순 없기에.

I kinda miss those times, thoKeskiviikko 28.04.2010 17:45


ei tää mua kiinnosta mut annii voiKeskiviikko 28.04.2010 17:25

Dong Bang Shin Ki (Tohoshinki) / Complete + B-Side Collection Box Set (Title subject to change) [Limited Release]
Greatest hits album release from Dong Bang Shin Ki featuring 45 single title songs, which are not included in their previous greatest hits album released in February 2010, on three discs. Also includes B-side greatest hits album featuring selected 12 B-side tracks. Contains solo songs by each members. Limited edition includes original a 1000 piece of jigsaw puzzle.
CD | Release:2010/06/30 | Price:11238yen (US$ 118.05)

Keskiviikko 28.04.2010 10:29

ps. noiden on ihan pakko olla pari. oon niiiin varma siit.

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 28.04.2010 10:26

Day 09 - A song that makes you fall asleep

mut toi on silti hyvä
nyt oot varmaa ilonen :)))))))))))))

TÄNÄÄ TULEE MUNTiistai 27.04.2010 10:25


[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 27.04.2010 10:24

Day 08 - A song that you can dance to

tää on vieläki niiiin vitun paras

....rupesin btw tanssii tät sillo yhen tanssitunnin lopul enkä pystyn lopettaa ennenku kappale loppu XDDDDDD

BatistaMaanantai 26.04.2010 23:09

oli diktaattori.

alko hymyilyttämää ku hissanope selitti siitä :DDD

LOLMaanantai 26.04.2010 21:20

nää ihmiset oikeesti naurattaa mua ku ne tappelee tällasist asioist

"They are a couple for the latest 5 years(Tarkottaa Toraa ja Shouta, I guess). I´m always amused that very few people notice this. Tora is always avoiding Shou because Shou easily loses control, that´s why. I have two sequences from live shows, one where Shou hugs Tora singing and Tora becomes red and smile and the second one an end of a show where Shou slapts Tora´s butt and Tora, again, become red. And don´t forget the pink birthday cake and other occasions where Shou exagerates on his affection. I suppose is hard to keep the relationshop in secret because of the fans but they are clearly crazy about each other. I think they are a cute couple, more than Nao and Saga (who openly talk about)."

"Well if this is all true then can you tell me who is the uke and who is the seme or are they changing positions? Accually I'm not interested... It's just really anoying sometimes when people suggesting these people are gay or like they have some kind of love/sexual relationship. I'm not saying that it can't be true, but we don't know the truth. And it's just fanservice. You know like those baka commercials on TV. Other way you could say that all Visual Kei bandmembers get yaoi on eachother.
Actually out of the alicenine. there is only Shou-san, who admited that he would go on a date with Ono-san(I think) when he was questioned.
And about that Nao&Saga thing... it was like once, but perhaps it happend a lot more. The only thing I know that Saga san was really lonley in 2008.12."

"Check the valentine´s post at Shou´s blog. The Gundan mentioned is Tora."

"ooo mm..
is true that shou and are couple.
oo my god....if is true.aaaaaaaaaaaaaa
is true__=??????????????????????"

amusing isn't it? :DDDD

MÄ HALUUN SEN DVD:NMaanantai 26.04.2010 21:06

"Saga was clearly the most into it, it's his dream to perform at Budokan, after all. He climbed on one of the tall amps, which wobbled and made the stage crew go into a panic, lol. Then after a lot of posing, he jumped off and landed on his ass. He laughed it off, and it just made me love him more. (He could have been butt hurt about it! *shot*) Saga also had a small chicken fight with Shou on the back walk way, which I think Shou won, but only because he made a grab at Saga's ass."

oon jääny jostain nytte paitsi DDD: