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[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 03.10.2008 01:57

[22:55:00] Gabriel sanoo: Hey...
[22:55:08] Kiyoshi sanoo: yes?
[22:55:08] Gabriel sanoo: WHY do men like women?
[22:55:57] Kiyoshi sanoo: ... I... honestly dont know? Natural reproductive instincts?
[22:56:06] Gabriel sanoo: Perhaps.
[22:56:08] Gabriel sanoo: But...
[22:56:12] Gabriel sanoo: Females are squishy. O_o
[22:56:16] Gabriel sanoo: They have so many soft parts.
[22:56:22] Gabriel sanoo: THEY ARE PILLOWS GODDAMNIT.
[22:56:34] Kiyoshi sanoo: I like pillows!
[22:56:38] Gabriel sanoo: So, men like pil-...
[22:56:39] Gabriel sanoo: XDD <3
4chan ftw.

"Post tits, otherwise you won't get any pics."

"No. Naked feet instead?"

"No, only tits will do."

"... here, take clothed tits. CAN I HAVE MY PICTURES NOW?"

"Clothed tits won't work.

We require tits as payment for our services. If you give us clothed tits, that's like giving someone a check that's going to bounce.

We require full, unclothed, time stamped tits. I'll start looking for the stuff now."

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 01.10.2008 19:26

[16:26:00] Gabriel sanoo: ...
[16:26:00] Gabriel sanoo: Oh.
[16:26:01] Gabriel sanoo: XSD
[16:26:04] Gabriel sanoo: SD. D.
[16:26:06] Gabriel sanoo: I FAIL
[16:26:07] Gabriel sanoo: XDD

... btw feilaan aika pirun nopeasti myös. O_o

Niin joo,Tiistai 30.09.2008 21:42

sain matikankokeesta hylätyn ja mulla on huomenna kahdeksasta neljään koulua. Häviäjäfiilis, tekis vaan mieli sanoa haista paska koko hommalle.

Picture very related, mutta sitä ei tajua kyllä varmaan kukaan muu kuin mä D:

...............Tiistai 30.09.2008 19:50

[16:48:32] Gabriel sanoo:


[16:49:05] Gabriel sanoo: No freaking idea tbh! XDDD

[16:49:07] Kiyoshi sanoo: XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD I got Elrond again! XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

[16:49:33] Gabriel sanoo: NO WAY XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Ehm.Tiistai 30.09.2008 19:44


No voi nyt oikeasti.Tiistai 30.09.2008 19:41

[16:37:57] Gabriel sanoo:

[16:39:00] Kiyoshi sanoo: XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
[16:39:31] Kiyoshi sanoo: XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD even more now that i closed taht window and where do i end up?
"The council of elrond demands an explanation for this bullshit"

[16:39:41] Gabriel sanoo: XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

No jo nyt on.Tiistai 30.09.2008 18:57

Oon kommenttihuorannut jo 12 tuntia eikä silti oo tullut yhtään.
Lafi on huonommassa jamassa kuin luulin. :<

//korjaus, 15 tuntia.

// korjaus 2, 14 tuntia 15 minuuttia.

Omfg lol.Tiistai 30.09.2008 16:53

(etsin kuvia kerrolisaa.comista ja postasin niitä Skypeen, törmäsin TUOHON ja Robert heitti että toi olis niin paras käyttää online-fightissa Battle for Middle-Earthissa, jos pelaisi haltioilla.
Jalostin ajatusta.)


[13:46:45] Gabriel sanoo: I freaking rofled XDDD

[13:47:02] Kiyoshi sanoo: I am LOLing too atm xD

[13:47:11] Gabriel sanoo: Same... XDDD

[13:47:59] Kiyoshi sanoo: So makes me want to play elfs online and when facing someone get out elrond and then write that line xD

[13:48:12] Gabriel sanoo: Yeah XDDD
[13:48:15] Gabriel sanoo: Like...
[13:48:31] Gabriel sanoo: *BADAM*
The battle has been going on for 1h 45min...
[13:48:52] Gabriel sanoo: Sauron marches in, stands before Elrond and his five batallions of archers and swordsmen.
[13:48:57] Gabriel sanoo: Deeeep silence.

[13:49:09] Kiyoshi sanoo: XDDDDDDD

[13:49:26] Gabriel sanoo: User Elves posts: "The council of Elrond demands an explanation for this bullshit."

[13:49:40] Kiyoshi sanoo: XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
[13:49:43] Kiyoshi sanoo: LAWL!
[13:49:46] Kiyoshi sanoo: SO WIN!
[13:49:49] Kiyoshi sanoo: XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD