


trust is like a broken mirror, it can be fixed, but you'll still see the cracks in the motherfuckers reflection.
Älä näytä modausta
  • Kuvassa:
  • nannnna

    nannnnayou rock my world when your arms are around me girl !

  • if love was a story book, we'd meet on the very first page ( ;

  • R1KK1PÄÄ

    R1KK1PÄÄwhen I look into your eyes it's over, you got me hooked with your love controlle

  • rakas <3

my world all around yours .

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~ guess she gave you things I couldn't ~

You give me butterflies deep inside
I don't know where to run
So I gotta say, you give me butterflies deep inside
I don't know what to do without you
Boy you give me butterflies .