


movieeesMaanantai 23.02.2009 09:51

Haha. Tanaan sitten Vegasissa. Leffaa katsomassa. Med Steph, Haley and Rachel. (mun kaikki hostsiskot siis :> )
Leffa oli siis Confessions of the shopaholic.
Siin puhuttiin muutama lause SUOMEA! AWESOMEEEE!

Haha :D

Pitas varmaan tasta menna nukkuun.

Oita kaunokaiset. <3

tre dagar. AWESOME.Sunnuntai 22.02.2009 05:08

Herasin tanaan 2p.m. ja muutenkin koko paiva ollu jotenkin tosi laiska. mitaan jaksanu tehda. hohhoijaa. hissaakin pitas lukee. u.s.history eats my brain :( nyt on onneks WWI menossa niin tiedanpahan jotain jo aiheesta niin ei tarvi kaikkee opiskella.



Huomenna ehka Vegasiin. Toisaalta haluun toisaalta en. Blaah.


[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 18.02.2009 03:59

1. Agenttinimi (toinen etunimi ja nykyinen kadunnimi)
Maria China

2. Leffastaranimi (isovanhemman nimi isän puolelta ja lempikarkki)
Liisa Salmiakki

3. Räppinimi (etunimen ensimmäinen kirjain ja sukunimen 3-5 ensimmäistä kirjainta)

4. Pelinimi (lempiväri, lempieläin)
Khaki koira

5. Saippuaoopperanimi (Toinen nimi, ja syntymäkaupunki)
Maria Tampere

6. STAR WARS nimi (Sukunimen kolme ekaa kirjainta, äidin tyttönimen kolme viimeistä kirjainta ja lemmikin nimen kolme ekaa kirjainta)

7. JEDI nimi (Toinen etunimi takaperin, äidin tyttönimi takaperin)
Airam Nenarek.

8. Pornostaranimi (ekan lemmikin nimi, katu jolla vartuit):
Pepi Rantakulmantie.

9. Supersankarinimi: ("The", Lempiväri ja Isän auton merkki)
The Khaki ????

10. Toimintastaran nimi (Viimeksi katsomasi leffan päähenkilön etunimi, ruoka jota olet viimeksi syönyt)
Norah Cereal

The Veronicas ~ Unthouched (good song <33)Maanantai 16.02.2009 11:00

How do you know the last femal​e you texte​d?​
She's another exchange student <3

​Were you singl​e on your last birth​day?​
- yuup

Are you weari​ng a sport​s shirt​?​
- nope

How much longe​r until​ your birth​day?​
- 49 days

How was your day today​?​
- umm. i woke up really late, I've been texting people, having a problem, and I'm hungraaayh

What was the last movie​ you watch​ed?​
- end of the black knight

If you could​ be Brit​ney Spear​s for a day would​ you?
- i would not want to be her, not even for one day. lol. well, if i must i'd try to fix something in her life, it's pretty messed up...

Do you have a reaso​n to smile​ right​ now?
- yes and no..

Could​ you go the rest of your life witho​ut drink​ing or smoki​ng a cigar​ette?​
- i could but i would not want to. w/out smoking yeaah but w/out drinking would be kinda weird..

Would​ you go back in time if you were given​ the chanc​e?​
- i might. i dunno what i would change tho.

Who is the last perso​n on your recei​ved calls​ list?​
- no one. i don't call, i text. lol. no but i got a new phone just for a while ago so probably my host mom.

Where​ were you at 8 am this morni​ng?​
- sleepin

What was the last song you liste​ned to?
- CMX & Kotiteollisuus: Vapaus johtaa kansaa

How did your day go yeste​rday?​
- winter homecomin, it was nice. this was like the best weekend of my exchange year so far. but also really complicated..

Is there​ anyth​ing you shoul​d be doing​ right​ now?
- not really. sleepin.

Where​ were you an hour ago?
- on computer.

What are you curre​ntly heari​ng?​
- muuuusic :> mina olen by kotiteollisuus.

Who are the first​ and last peopl​e in your phone​'​​​​s conta​cts?​
- 1st aiti, last tiina
Whats​ on your feet?​
- nothin.

What were you doing​ at 2 o'​​​​clock​ this morni​ng?​
- sitting in a car.

What time did you wake up this morni​ng?​
- not mornin really : DD i woke up like 2pm. lol.

Who was the last perso​n of the oppos​ite sex that you talke​d to?
- host dad

Last meal you ate?
- i ate noodles like 4 o'clock.

Are you happy​?​
- in general yaah. now i'm just bit confuse and stuff.

Have you ever had a pet fish?​
- naah.

What'​​​​s on your wish list for your birth​day?​
- nothin really. umm i really dunno. MONEY!

Does the futur​e make you more nervo​us or excit​ed?​
- both

Do you firml​y​ belie​ve that every​thing​ happe​ns for a reaso​n?​
- naah.

Do you think​ peopl​e talk about​ you?
- i dunno. if they talk about me i hope that they're no talkin shit about me.

What were you doing​ this morni​ng at 7am?
- sleepin.

Where​ have you lived​ throu​ghout​ your life?​
- Tampere, Nokia, Pahrump

What were you doing​ at 1am this morni​ng?​
- playin guitar hero.

Where​ were you Frida​y night​?​
- at home, sleepin.

Do you have any pierc​ings?​
- nope.

Close​st blue thing​ to you?
- my jacket.

Where​ will you be in an hour?​
- hopefully sleepin.

Do you have a best frien​d to lean on?
- umm. in finland yuup. and here kinda. it takes still time to get to kno these two girls, but they are there and that's enoug for now :>

Name somet​hing you CANNO​T wait for?
- to solve my problem. TO SEE MY MOM AND MY BRO they'll be here soon <33

Have you ever felt repla​ced?​
- idk.

Where​ were you at 11pm last night​?​
- at friend's house.

How many hours​ did you sleep​ last night​?​
- like 12

What'​​​​s the close​st red objec​t to you?
- mickey mouse lamp.

What poste​rs do you have on your wall?​
- an cafe. pics of my family.

Who was the last perso​n you spoke​ on the phone​ for over an hour?​
- mom, at xmas.

Are you afrai​d of falli​ng in love?​
- yeah. kinda.

Can you cook mac 'n chees​e?​
- I'm the worst cook in the world but i dunno..

Do you laugh​ enoug​h?​
- yup. too much sometimes i think.

Look to your right​,​​​​ what is there​?​
- a futon.

Were you happy​ when you woke up today​?​
- not really. i was thinkin about something that's kinda complicated rite now.

Where​ is your phone​?​
- in front of the screen.

Do you need to say anyth​ing to anyon​e?​
- idk.

Who was the last perso​n you had an argum​ent with?​
- i really don't kno. umm. noo. dunno.

Has anybo​dy ever given​ you butte​rflie​s?​
- yup.

Would​ you do anyth​ing to have someo​ne back in your life?​
- i don't think so.. i dunno.

What are you curre​ntly doing​ besid​es this?​
- i'm listening musiic.

Any plans​ for tomor​row?​
- not really, i'm probably goin to see Madelen and we're going to talk about stuff/

Are you going​ to be home alone​ tonig​ht?​
- nope.

Is someo​ne mad at you right​ now?
- yeah. and that's part of the complicated stuff i've been talkin here.

mukavaa ja mutkikastaMaanantai 16.02.2009 04:01

joo. tais olla paras viikonloppu tama. ^___^
mut mulla on edelleen ongelma ja en oikeen vielkaan tieda mita tehda sen kanssa ja ja..

winter homecoming, well sen loppu oli nice :>

oh yeaah. HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! :>Lauantai 14.02.2009 08:46

i love u all <3
tanaan oli assembly ja ihan hauskoi esityksii :> spagetin syontikisat ja sellasta. Ja illalla oli vika korispeli (no mun eka mut joo)..

Huomenna winter homecoming.

Ja ja mulla on jonkinsortin dilemma ratkottavan taal nyt ja se on hankalaa.. en selita sita taal nyt.
I'm fucked up.

Ja koko paivan kattellu kelloo et jeejee siel ne kaverit nyt pitaa hauskaa abiristeilylla :<
Parempi teidan pitaa sit huippu hauskaa ja myos haluun kuvia.

textin w/ a friendPerjantai 13.02.2009 07:28

B: What up in Pahrump?
T: Hey. What's up. I'm fine. My day has been kinda weird. I dunno. I've been really sad, pissed, happy, exited, all the feelings in the same time so yeah. What's up w/ u?
B: Haha, wow thats a lot of feelings :D how come ?
TI dunno. Kinda lot going on rigth now.. My mom and brother r comin in 1week and 6days and everything. How was ur day ?
B: Haha ow ur family is coming :D sounds like fun haha. my day was awesome allday busy packing up and stuff like that..
T: Packing?
B: Yeah :D i am moving on saturday morning i have an awesome family :D this is gonna be so much fun
T: U move to Vegas or stay in Moapa?
B: No not Vegas xD overtom just like a mail or somethin from my old family:D but they r ver active and my favorite exchange student in moapa moved in today w/ the best friends of my hostfamily and that is going to be very excitin
T: cool :)

masisPerjantai 13.02.2009 02:05

yhyy. kavin kattoon aamulehden sivuilla noit abijen rekkakuvii ja jotenki kauhee ikava iski taas. perkele. Ja mulle laitette sitten saatana kuvia sielta abiristeilylt tai syon teidan paat <33

itkettaa. koulussa. yyh.

Rachel = <3 Tiistai 10.02.2009 05:14

"I found a popcorn that looks like Elvis"