
NooololololoLLMaanantai 11.05.2009 17:08

yeahMaanantai 11.05.2009 16:50

Chace:gossip girl season finale: chuck bass DIES

Ed:Bloody hell Crawford, people's going to freak out

Chace:IT WAS A JOKE. if we say something about the season finale, our families can die, seriously. cw people knows where we live.

Chace:'Nate finally kills Chuck with his own scarf?' made my day. and yeah, i got like 100 replies. see westwick? people loves you.

Ed: Go fuck a tree Crawford, people's asking me if I'm dead

Chace:haaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaa! massive hysteria. fuck a tree? no thanks.

So this was their conversation for half an hour ago,on a blog-site

oooh...those two...xD

Haa-Haaa-Haaaa...Keskiviikko 29.04.2009 15:50

Versace<3Keskiviikko 08.04.2009 17:29

they're funny sometimes :DKeskiviikko 08.04.2009 17:14

Hate thisTiistai 31.03.2009 20:31

My throat is soar like hell and as soon as I make any sudden moves my entire body hurts and I get dizzy...but the temperature is sinking so I just might have to go to school tomorrow even if I'm not well enough,look I sacrifice my health for school,and still the teachers whine..... -_____-