
akta erLauantai 26.12.2009 17:50

dii e kallt o:

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 21.12.2009 01:11

last christmas
i gave u my heart
but the very next day
u gave it away.
this year
to save me from tears
i'll give it to someone special

åsnor är dummaSunnuntai 13.12.2009 00:29

de har dumma små kortta ben
öron som fladdrar
ingen höör eera skrään

tottaMaanantai 07.12.2009 19:01

as soon as forever is trough
i'll be over you.

jaaSunnuntai 06.12.2009 02:08

men va kan man... =/

:)?Perjantai 04.12.2009 21:57

I may not know it
but these are the moments
that i'm gonna remember most, yeah
just gotta keep going
and I gotta be strong, yeah
just keep pushing on

3.12.09Perjantai 04.12.2009 00:47

sometimes people let you down,
and sometimes you do it yourself
but just think before you do,
is it worth it?

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 03.12.2009 23:29

i thought you were one of the ones.

pössMaanantai 30.11.2009 14:41

får ja skita ner dej plox?

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 28.11.2009 17:27
