


those kids just aint safe yo!

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 04.10.2009 01:35


thats what she said.

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 04.10.2009 01:34

valinnanvaikeus o________O

kuin pahasti ihminen voi jäätyy jos saa luvan valita minkä tahansa puhelimen minkä haluu.
vastaus: aika simo pahasti.

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 02.10.2009 16:23

tahtoo pois
ümmarra !

noeisi ;(

eilen kyl oli se yks kohta päivästä.
niinku sellanen aww.

mut moon vaa niinq worried abt u dude =(

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 30.09.2009 01:21

koulutöitä )=

ja prata psykologi
-excuse me?

Haluun karkottaa tän pöpön johonki nigaraguaan ><
ja syödä jotain hyvää ^^

but what if ive only got..... this juissi?
-then good for you man.. meh.

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 28.09.2009 21:01

Miks mun huonees on näin kylmä ;<

Mut tää huppari on kyl niin jätti et se lämmittää sillee tosi mukavasti ^^
Oon iha in love oikeesti, aw huuuuuuge hoodie rocks ♥
ja stuff et cetera..

Teetä ja viinirypäleitä :3

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 16.09.2009 18:09

Kuume prkl.
Huomen pumppaan sen alas vaik olis 40.
pelkkä kuume, ei mitää muuta o.O WEIRDO.

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 01.09.2009 01:36

Jape + Sweeney Todd = ♥
(4:20 PM) SannsAx™: counting from 1 to 10 over again? =D backwards? =D
(4:20 PM) HeartThrob ...: its easy
(4:20 PM) HeartThrob ...: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1. 8]
(4:20 PM) HeartThrob ...: piece of cake
(4:21 PM) SannsAx™: 1+1=5 ^^
(4:21 PM) HeartThrob ...: =.=
(4:21 PM) HeartThrob ...: count on your fingers
(4:21 PM) HeartThrob ...: or
(4:21 PM) HeartThrob ...: this is 1 banana
(4:21 PM) HeartThrob ...: and this is another 1 banana
(4:21 PM) HeartThrob ...: so they are two BA NA NA S
(4:21 PM) HeartThrob ...: 1+1 equal 2
(4:21 PM) HeartThrob ...: easy.
(4:21 PM) SannsAx™: that makes 1+1=5 ^^
(4:22 PM) HeartThrob ...: if i had 1 banana + 1 banana and became 5 bananas :D that'd help much
(4:22 PM) SannsAx™: yesssss
(4:22 PM) HeartThrob ...: i would love that to happen
(4:22 PM) HeartThrob ...: but it is not real
(4:22 PM) HeartThrob ...: it cant beee ><
(4:22 PM) HeartThrob ...: this is an insult
(4:22 PM) SannsAx™: but what if they were potatoes? :D or or or...
(4:23 PM) HeartThrob ...: well that depends on the potatoe
(4:23 PM) SannsAx™: apple and orange! ^^
(4:23 PM) HeartThrob ...: ;o never thought of it that way
(4:23 PM) SannsAx™: apple+orange=5grapefruits! ^.^

♥ x'D...Lauantai 29.08.2009 05:46

(5:14 PM) HeartThrob ...: I can read your mind, see :P
(5:14 PM) HeartThrob ...: your head is full of things
(5:14 PM) SannsAx™: im glad you realised that
(5:14 PM) SannsAx™: my head is screaming "PLATYPUS!!!!!!!!!"
(5:14 PM) HeartThrob ...: : :D:D:D::D
(5:14 PM) HeartThrob ...: ok but you have to give it to me
(5:14 PM) HeartThrob ...: there is sth about me that turns on
(5:14 PM) SannsAx™: a platypus?
(5:15 PM) HeartThrob ...: -.- -.- -.- -.-
(5:15 PM) SannsAx™: theres sth about you that turns on a platypus x'D wow
(5:15 PM) HeartThrob ...: o_O...
(5:16 PM) HeartThrob ...: :S I give up
(5:16 PM) SannsAx™: they always do =']

(4:53 PM) HeartThrob ...: would you help me in rephrasing it
(4:54 PM) SannsAx™: alright
(4:54 PM) SannsAx™: i can be the mental support and you can rephrase it
(4:54 PM) SannsAx™: ^^
(4:54 PM) HeartThrob ...: no no i will be the mental support
(4:54 PM) HeartThrob ...: and you can rephrase it
(4:55 PM) SannsAx™: no that mental support thing was my idea dont steal it its copyrighted ><
(4:55 PM) HeartThrob ...: ok i push the blue button now i have the right to
(4:55 PM) HeartThrob ...: so you rephrase it
(4:56 PM) SannsAx™: im not going to rephrase it because you said 1+1=2 -.-"
(4:56 PM) SannsAx™: so you rephrase it
(4:56 PM) HeartThrob ...: I WASSS LYIIING
(4:56 PM) HeartThrob ...: I was angryy :(
(4:56 PM) HeartThrob ...: and i said things
(4:56 PM) HeartThrob ...: and i didnt mean it
(4:56 PM) HeartThrob ...: and .. i regret them all
(4:56 PM) SannsAx™: so now your gonna make it up by rephrasing it
(4:57 PM) HeartThrob ...: hell no
(4:57 PM) HeartThrob ...: I cant rephrase it
(4:57 PM) SannsAx™: wait a sec.... what are we even rephrasing here? xD