
[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 15.02.2012 17:57


niiivittuKeskiviikko 15.02.2012 03:21

Now that you are out of my life,
I'm so much better
You thought that I'd be weak without ya,
but I'm stronger
You thought that I'd be broke without ya,
but I'm richer
You thought that I'd be sad without ya,
I laugh harder
You thought I wouldn't grow without ya,
now I'm wiser
You thought that I'd be helpless without ya,
but I'm smarter
You thought that I'd be stressed without ya,
but I'm chillin'
You thought I wouldn't sell without ya,
sold 9 million
(I'm better than that)
I'm not gonna blast you on the radio
(I'm better than that)
I'm not gonna lie on you or yo family, yo
(I'm better than that)
I'm not gonna hate on you in the magazine
(I'm better than that)
I'm not gonna compromise my christianity
(I'm better than that)
You know I'm not gonna diss you on the
('Cause my mama taught me better than that)

♥ ♥Keskiviikko 15.02.2012 01:17

mul on tunteit miten selitän sen jos välitän ni sit heti menetän sen, mut mä en luovuta meil on aikaa tsiigaa mä välitän sust vaa nii vitusti liikaa.

kaikella rakkaudellaLauantai 11.02.2012 01:35

Hei mitä ihmettä sä haet täältä
Mikä kumma saa sut mulle moikkaamaan
Kuvitteletko että meidän välillä on enää mitään
Vedä käteen

Every time I think of you I pukeMaanantai 06.02.2012 17:06

If you only knew how much I hated you
For every motherfuckin' thing you ever put us through
Then I wouldn't be standing here crying over you
Se on karu totuus, karu totuus,
etten mä voi styylaa enää sun kaa
Ei oo paluut, ei tulevaisuut
Parempi erillään ku yhdes

justnäi!Maanantai 06.02.2012 02:35

se ei satu enää
mä oon kivusta vapaa
oon sinusta vapaa
voin päästää sut menemään
ei satu enää
oon yksin mä nyt
nostan kytkintä nyt
Look, I can't change the way I think
And I can't change the way I am
But if I offended you? Good
Cause I still don't give a fuck

TRUE!!1Maanantai 23.01.2012 20:39

rakkaus on kuin sota, helppo aloittaa, vaikea lopettaa ja mahdotonta unohtaa

-Lauantai 21.01.2012 18:12

If you loved me as much as you said you did
Then you wouldn't have hurt me like I ain't shit
Now you pushed me away like you never even knew me
I loved you with my heart, really and truly
I guess everything you said was a lie
I think about it, it brings tears to my eyes
Now I'm not even a thought in your mind
I can see clearly, my love is not blind
I just wish everything could have turned out differently
I had a special feeling about you
I thought maybe you did too
You would understand, but...
No matter what, you'll always be in my heart
You'll always be my baby
And I do miss you
I just thought we were meant to be
I guess now, we'll never know
The only thing I want is for you to be happy
Whether it be with me, or without me
I just want you to be happy