


Kommenttia! // 31'07'12 ♥ Yours forever.

Are you looking for happiness?
Are you looking for something better?
Do you ever feel emptiness?
Are you scared itÂ’s gonna last forever?
DonÂ’t give it away, donÂ’t give it away.
Everybody needs sanctuary.
Everybody needs hope and freedom.
Not everybody needs a preacher.
So donÂ’t tell me what you want me to hear.
And donÂ’t give it away, donÂ’t give it all away.

Innocent, they swim
I tell them 'no'
They just dive right in
But do they know?
It's a long way down
There's no air or sound
Down below the surface
There's something
I do not feel safe
It always feels like torture
I wish that I was stronger
Take me away
Now every time I get close to the edge
I'm scared of falling in
When the tide comes in
And pulls me below the surface

All alone in ghostly room I suffer.
Dept of thoughts getting louder.
Brief shadow plays with my heart.
As I feel, my soul falls apart.
My life really was not that great.
Pain consumes me and it does not take a break.
I scream, I want to live!
It gets darker in my mind of feel..
My footsteps touches his grave.
I never knew why he was so brave.
I search for the light at the tunnel end,
there is none, why should I pretend?
Slowly everything I knew, I forgot.
Will memory on me also be lost?

LightsKeskiviikko 28.03.2012 18:23

I had a way then
losing it all on my own.
I had a heart then
but the queen has been overthrown.
And I'm not sleeping now..
The dark is too hard to beat!
And I'm not keeping up,
the strength I need to push me.

I'm turning to stone piece by piece.
I tell myself that i'll be strong,
and dreaming when theyre gone.
Because theyre calling, calling, calling me home,
calling, calling, calling home.
I'm alone.

Noises, I play within my head,
touch my own skin
and hope they'll still be there.
And I think back to when,
my brothers slept.
In another place.
The only time I feel safe.

Lepää rauhas kummisetä♥Keskiviikko 28.03.2012 17:55


I will never forgive myself!
I never tried to keep touch.
I wanted to know you better.
I wanted to show you I still care..
I know I said that if you died, I wouldnt care.
I know the things I said and I can't take them back.
Now I'm torn apart.
What I've done to deserve life like this?
For what I'm punished ?
I quess now I've learned what's the price for life.
It's death. R.I.P


Näiksä sitä kipuu,
sitä kipuu..
Näiksä sitä tarpeeks mun kyynelissä?
Mä paloin loppuun,
tääl maanpäällises helvetissä.
Kuinka sä voi antaa elämän,
ja sit ottaa sen pois multa?
Rinnasta taitaa sydän puuttuu sulta.
Oon ainut ketä kohtelet ku roskaa,
En oo tuntenu olevani rakastettu koskaa.
Se on sun syytä!
Kiitos, kumarrus ja näkemiin.

You shoot me down,
But i wont fall.
I am already on the ground.
Take your aim.
Fire away, Fire away!
Do you even know,
the pain you make me feel?
Fuck the sadness, today I am happy!

Thank you..♥


I know I'm not even close to perfect.
I always try my best, but I'm sick and tired,
of giving my all with no results.
I just need people who have even a bit faith in me.
I know it's not easy, to believe in me
Specially when for most of the crowd it seems like I don't even try.
I do, I really do..I promise..
voinko kaiken saada mä muuttuumaan

pimeät päiväni varjoon mua

haluaa, haluaa, haluaa

Asema hiljainen

kiireiset hahmot

sekoittaa pääni

joukossa ihmisten

sinunko kasvot
sinunko ääni

mä katoan, mä hajoan

jos putoan niin tuletko vastaan..?