


I love you and I’m always gonna miss you friend And for me it’s just the same story, different pen

---Maanantai 23.01.2012 16:41

I wonder if I dissappeared how many men would miss me
or would they all forget like I erased my name from history?
I’m still trying yet to make a break within the chain of pain and misery and vanish off the planet like a mystery.
and if I did return and things were the same or worse?
You'd see the gear stick shift and then the i would reverse and I’d be straight back on my travels
The unwinding of eternal rage, that was locked up inside just like my mates behind prison gates
If I could runaway and come back another day,
I’d let the song play, on the summer’s longest day
If I ever contemplate returning to this crazy place
I’d leave it long enough so they don’t recognise my face
I’d let the song play, on the summer’s longest day
While I roll upon the roads along the motorway

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