
alex c. sweetest ass in the worldTorstai 18.09.2008 00:00

Dadidam, dadida, dadidam dam
Dadidam, dadida, dadidam dam

I hear voice when noone's around,
I'm set in here when I'm losing ground.
Feels like the earthmove under my feet
I feel you in every single heartbeat

You are a lovely, lovely refrain
You spin around and round in my brain
I seem a steel man till it's some firm
You've got the sweetest ass in the world

Ass in the world (4x)

Dadidam, dadida, dadidam dam (4x)

You've got the sweetest ass in the world (4x)




You've got the sweetest ass in the world (4x)

Dadidam, dadidam, dadidam dam (4x)

You've got the sweetest ass in the world (4x)

Ass in the world (8x)

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