
TESTIN TULOS: What´s Your Flavour ?Lauantai 17.06.2006 15:45

Hmm, you taste of Liquorice!

Mmm ... liquorice! Strong and edgy, you're the flavour of Allsorts and Blackjacks. Some people absolutely love you (in fact, they might even find you addictive), but you're definitely not for everyone. But that's fine with you -- you'd rather pick and choose your companions. When you have time for friends at all, that is. Powerful and very potent, you're goal oriented and ambitious -- you don't let much stand in your way. There's nothing sweet or sugary about you; you're a serious taste that's best suited for the truly focused. Lingering, enigmatic, and a little hard to pin down, you're a truly tantalizing treat.

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