


Laura ♥ Markus

Laura ♥ Markus 11kk ♥Maanantai 24.05.2010 17:43

Another day without your smile
Another day just passes by
But now I know how much it means
For you to stay right here with me
The time we spent apart will make our love grow stronger
But it hurts so bad I can't take it any longer

I wanna grow old with you
I wanna die lying in your arms
I wanna grow old with you
I wanna be looking in your eyes
I wanna be there for you, sharing everything you do
I wanna grow old with you

A thousand miles between us now
It causes me to wonder how
Our love tonight remains so strong
It makes our risk right all along
The time we spent apart will make our love grow stronger
But it hurt so bad I can't take it any longer

I Love You!! ♥

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