


you can talk your shit, you're just making me famous ~ 우리 싶다 다이

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h ahaha kill meTorstai 21.05.2015 15:45

Let’s play “Never Have I Ever”. Cross out all of the things that you have done. You might just see that there are people just like you out there.


Never have I ever kissed a girl.
Never have I ever kissed a boy.
Never have I ever had sex.
Never have I ever fallen in love.
Never have I ever cheated on someone.
Never have I ever been cheated on.


Never have I ever gotten into a fight.
Never have I ever done something illegal.
Never have I ever gotten wasted.
Never have I ever used an illegal drug.
Never have I ever snuck out.
Never have I ever stolen something.
Never have I ever vandalized something.
Never have I ever lost a family member due to death.
Never have I ever been in a life or death situation.
Never have I ever been arrested.
Never have I ever been fired from a job.


Never have I ever been kept up at night due to guilt.
Never have I ever laughed so hard I cried.
Never have I ever cried myself to sleep.
Never have I ever wished that I was someone else.
Never have I ever wanted to kill myself.
Never have I ever tried to kill myself.
Never have I ever felt like an outcast.
Never have I ever wanted to do something just so I would fit in.


Never have I ever ruined my friendship with someone.
Never have I ever had a friend leave me for other people.
Never have I ever been kicked out of a friend group.
Never have I ever wanted to fuck one of my friends.
Never have I ever been friendless.


Never have I ever failed a test.
Never have I ever cut class.
Never have I ever had to eat alone.
Never have I ever failed a course.
Never have I ever been suspended.
Never have I ever received detention.
Never have I ever dropped out of school.

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