


Ei muuta sanottavaa kun et ei :)
One thing i don't know why
It Doesn't even matter how hard you try
keep that in mind i designed this rhyme
to remind myself how.
i tried so hard,
In spite of the way you were mocking me
acting like i was part of your property
remembering all the times you fought with me
I'm surprised that it got so far

Things aren't the way they were before
you wouldn't even recognize me anymore
not that you knew me back then
but it all comes back to me
in the end
I kept everything inside and even thought i tried
it all fell apart
what it meant to me will eventually be
a memory of a time when..

I tried so hard,
And got so far.
But in the end,
It doesn't even matter.
I had to fall,
To lose it all,
but in the end,
it doesn't even matter..

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