


I'm sorry I can't be perfect.

Stay here.Keskiviikko 06.01.2010 15:02

Take my hand, don't ever let it go.
Forgive me for everything I've done.
Forget the past.
Stay here.
Stay with me.

I never realized I could need you so.
But when you came to say goodbye.
I just cried.
I know I did it wrong.
I was unfair and cruel.
Now all I can do
Is get down on my knees and beg you to

Stay here.
Take my hand, don't ever let it go.
Forgive me for everything I've done.
Forget the past.
Stay here.
Stay with me.

I thought we were good,
That we were meant to be.
I guess losing things I love is my destiny.
All I'll have left in the end will be sorrow and pain.
Wish that you hadn't gone away
I love you, what more can I say?
I'm asking you to--

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