
Hollow book, chapter 9401 ½Lauantai 06.11.2010 02:49

I saw the fire burning in your eyes,
those flames which could burn the bedrock into bordeaux crystal.
From the oaks we bestowed the wooden gateways
to the land of the colossal flames and the voids of brute spirits,
those lands which are even more thunderous than the purgatory.

Falling into the formidable frost, through the vast notches, onto your dead arms.
Still you smile even without knowledge of any mortality.

And I shall conjure another gateway.
Up in the north lies the eternal frost, snowy pines,
lynxes with wings.
Below in the south lies the balmy warmth, lushy jungle,
tigers with fins.
In the east lies the deep oceans,
but the west, uncharted and unknown landscapes...

Into the fantasy, I call her name one last time, Almandine...

And so did the hero step through the gateway, into the unknown dream. All what is, all what has been, evaporated away yet still the gateway and its world remained in place. A year passed, another, a ceuntry passed, a millenium, an aeon until the stars flickered away...

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