


It's so easy to condemn, so hard to create.

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turhake.Perjantai 05.03.2010 00:38

jaahas..on tää vähän jäänyt..
Syyttäkää feisbuukkia tai sitä että oon liian vanha, tai kaveriton käymään galleriassa.
buahahaah. :D

Eipä se kauaa violetti ollut..Sunnuntai 31.01.2010 22:06

Hiukset siis..:P

Pieni Pala Taivasta.Torstai 21.01.2010 22:46

Before the story begins, is it such a sin,
for me to take what's mine, until the end of time
We were more than friends, before the story ends,
And I will take what's mine, create what
God would never design

Our love had been so strong for far too long,
I was weak with fear that
something would go wrong,
before the possibilities came true,
I took all possibility from you
Almost laughed myself to tears,(hahaha)
conjuring her deepest fears
(come here you fucking bitch)

Must have stabbed her fifty fucking times,
I can't believe it,
Ripped her heart out right before her eyes,
Eyes over easy, eat it eat it eat it

She was never this good in bed
even when she was sleepin'
now she's just so perfect I've
never been quite so fucking deep in
it goes on and on and on,
I can keep you lookin' young and preserved forever,
with a fountain to spray on your youth whenever

Â’Cause I really always knew that my little crime
would be cold that's why I got a heater for your thighs
and I know, I know it's not your time
but bye, bye
and a word to the wise when the fire dies
you think it's over but it's just begun
baby don't cry

You had my heart, at least for the most part
Â’cause everybody's gotta die sometime, we fell apart
let's make a new start
Â’cause everybody's gotta die sometime yeah
but baby don't cry

Now possibilities I'd never considered,
are occurring the likes of which I'd never heard,
Now an angry soul comes back from beyond the grave,
to repossess a body with which I'd misbehaved

Smiling right from ear to ear
Almost laughed herself to tears

Must have stabbed him fifty fucking times
I can't believe it
Ripped his heart out right before his eyes
Eyes over easy
Eat it eat it eat it

Now that it's done I realize the error of my ways
I must venture back to apologize from somewhere far beyond the grave

I gotta make up for what I've done
Â’Cause I was all up in a piece of heaven
while you burned in hell, no peace forever

Â’Cause I really always knew that my little crime
would be cold that's why I got a heater for your thighs
and I know, I know it's not your time
but bye, bye
and a word to the wise when the fire dies
you think it's over but it's just begun
but baby don't cry

You had my heart, at least for the most part
Â’Cause everybody's gotta die sometime, We fell apart
LetÂ’s make a new start
Â’Cause everybody's gotta die sometime yeah
But baby don't cry

I will suffer for so long
(What will you do, not long enough)
To make it up to you
(I pray to God that you do)
I'll do whatever you want me to do
(Well then IÂ’ll grant you a chance)
And if it's not enough
(If itÂ’s not enough, If itÂ’s not enough)
If it's not enough
(Not enough)
Try again
(Try again)
And again
(And again)
Over and over again
(Over and over again)
WeÂ’re coming back, coming back
WeÂ’ll live forever, live forever
LetÂ’s have a wedding, have a wedding
LetÂ’s start the killing, start the killing

Do you take this man in death for the rest of your unnatural life?
(Yes, I do.)
Do you take this woman in death for the rest of your unnatural life?
(I do.)
I now pronounce you...

Â’Cause I really always knew that my little crime
would be cold that's why I got a heater for your thighs
and I know, I know it's not your time
but bye, bye
And a word to the wise when the fire dies
you think it's over but it's just begun
but baby don't cry

You had my heart, at least for the most part
Â’Cause everybody's gotta die sometime, we fell apart
LetÂ’s make a new start
Â’Cause everybody's gotta die sometime yeah
But baby don't cry

Tästä se mun A7x innostus sitte lähti.. <3

Stand uppiaLauantai 16.01.2010 18:47

Tänäpä illalla :)
Kaks jotain tuntematonta, ainakin mulle,
mut yks loistava, eli Sami Hedberg ainakin luvassa :)
En toki sano, etteikö ne kaks muutakin ole hyviä,
näkee sitte.
Eli Ida Grönlund ja Jack Björklund.
Eiköhä tästä mukava ilta kehkeydy.
Maisten ekaa kertaa Silver Star- lonkeroa,
aikas jännä Rasberry Sling.

Tukka värjätty. Taas. :DTorstai 14.01.2010 15:19

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 08.01.2010 15:01

Joo..parin päivän sisään tullu iha tarpeeks Ikeoitua,
että jos sitä ois vähän ajan kiintiö sit täys :D
..eiku..pitää sinne mennä taas viikon päästä ainakin..

se ois loppu nyTorstai 31.12.2009 13:38

vuosi 2009 oli aikalailla si siinä.
itseasiassa iha onnistunu vuosi kyllä,
uusia ihmisiä, festareita, muutto äijän kans yhteen, uusia deguja,
uusia vaatteita, uusia kokemuksia jne :)

Mut mite helvetissä mä oon saanu blogikirjotuksia 08 vuonna
tää vuosi jääkin sitte aikalailla jälkeen, jos oon kirjannu vaan reilun 160
mulla oli ilmeisesti vitusti asiaa viime vuonna..

Hauskat Uudet Vuodet 2010
mite ikinä sitä vietättekään. :)

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 05.12.2009 23:46

no. itteeni saan taas syyttää, jos onpi krapula huomenna.

lauantai-ilta.Lauantai 05.12.2009 20:11

vituikshan se taas meni.

TalentSunnuntai 22.11.2009 22:58

Voitto meni ihan oikeelle esiintyjälle :)
Hyvä Miikka !
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