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Structure of the essayMaanantai 12.04.2021 10:16

An essay is a short essay in which you must show both your knowledge of the chosen topic and your ability to think and be logical.

The structural requirements for your work are as follows:

Part 1: Relevance.

Write why you chose this particular topic.

Do not write too loud and unsubstantiated statements here. Clearly state your reasons why this topic is important to you, why you think it is included in the course syllabus, and why it is relevant today.

(3-4 sentences).

Part 2 - the meaning of the statement.

Reveal the meaning of the statement you have chosen. What do you think the author put into it? Perhaps, behind the chosen aphorism, there are several meanings, problems. Identify them and choose one. The one about which you will talk further in the text.

(3-4 sentences)

Part 3 - your position on the statement.

Do you agree or disagree with it? Do you agree and can you add to it?

(1-2 sentences)

Part 4 - argumentation of your position.

Argue your position with examples from history, modern times, or your best paper writing services. Your argumentation should be written in strictly theoretical language, using the conceptual framework

(terminology on the topic). Reasoning of the type: "I think Petya is bad...", "Yesterday we were talking about it with my mother and I was so interested...", are considered unacceptable and the grade for such argumentation will be significantly reduced.
(6-10 sentences).

Part 5 - conclusion.

Summarize your work. Finish it.

(2-3 sentences).


The requirements for the paper formatting are quite simple:

Usually, the size of an essay is one A4 sheet. The text is typed in Times New Roman font, size 14 with 1.5 line spacing (single-spaced). The text is aligned to the width of the page.

General requirements for the essay on the assigned theme
The essay should demonstrate the content-theoretical level of knowledge of social science topics (problems).

The essay should reflect the personal opinion of the author on the issue presented (i.e., value judgments - opinions based on the author's beliefs or views).

The text of the essay should be balanced. If one point of view is expressed, it is desirable that the opposite point of view should be present in the text and analyzed.

The content of the essay should be thoughtful, logically properly structured and structured (it should include an introduction, the main part, and a conclusion).

It is necessary to specify the sources of information, facts, figures to which the author of the paperhelpwriting refers.

There should be creativity in the essay.

Structure of the essay

The essay should have the following structure:

1. The introduction is a starting idea (problem) related to a particular topic. The introduction defines the topic of the essay and contains definitions of the main concepts encountered.

2. Content (main part) - argumentative statement of the main theses. The main part is constructed on the basis of analytical work, including - on the basis of the analysis of facts.

The most important concepts included in the essay are systematized and illustrated by examples. The judgments given in the essay should be provable. Proof - a set of logical techniques of justification of the truth of a statement with the help of other true and related judgments. The structure of any proof includes:
  • thesis - the judgment to be proved;
  • arguments - judgments based on categories that are used in proving the truth of the thesis;
  • conclusion - a judgment that logically follows from the arguments given by the author.

3. Conclusion - this is the final conclusions on the topic, what the author has come to as a result of reasoning. The conclusion summarizes the main ideas. The conclusion may be presented as a sum of judgments, which leave room for further discussion.

When checking and evaluating the Olympiad assignments, the jury checks that each participant meets the general requirements for the work in order to be admitted to the competition, as well as evaluates the content of the work admitted to the competition in accordance with the specific evaluation criteria. The volume of the essay should not exceed three pages (sheets of format A-4) attached to the task.
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