
Hieno miesLauantai 16.01.2010 19:11

"Here's what happened: James (Hetfield) came on our bus and we were bullshitting. I said, 'Dude, why are you paying a psychiatrist 40 grand a month? He's raping you. Send the money to a children's cancer foundation. If I was in the band, you know what I would tell you?' And he goes 'What?' And I took a swig from my beer and spit it up in the air. And he goes 'Fuck that,' and walks off the bus. I went after him and told him I was just being a dork and that was that. I was just talking to him, being straight, because he's smarter than that. He's James Hetfield, damn it. He knows who he is and doesn't need some yahoo to tell him. It's like when Sharon Osbourne sent me to rehab a few years ago. Fuck that!"

Guitar World: What happened?

Zakk Wylde: "I just stood up and said, 'You know what? This is not for me. This is not BLACK LABEL. You guys are a bunch of losers and scamming fuckers, and I guess I'm in the wrong business. I should start the BLACK LABEL rehab and rape people 35 grand for 28 days.' The place was called Promises rehab, and I went, 'I'll make you a promise right now: I'm either going to kill someone in here or cap myself. Since suicide is not an option, someone else is going to die if I stick around.' And that was it. I jumped the fence, walked to a bar and watched the Nets and Lakers in the NBA finals."

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