


we're all mad here
pakkaamismeisingissä löytyy nurkista vaikka MITÄ paperihässäkkää:

i don't know where i'm at
feels like i'm empty
a hallow shield
longing.. waiting for something more
something to fill this life, this mind
something to replace the pain

what am i really waiting for.
what is there yet to come
what do i really believe in.
if not for myself, then what do i live for?
what am i really waiting for..

the voices inside my head
the voices around me
all the voices i hear
all of 'em telling me to give up.
how long can i take this pain
how long can you see me suffering
dealing with this on my own.
how long does it really take for me to see the truth..
i am worthless staind in this f-king place
i have no meaning here.
so what am i really waiting for?
there's nothing here yet to come
nothing left for me to really care about.
so i leave this place...
i want to take my life.

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