
Hetalia- YOUR life! (from school to death)Perjantai 15.05.2009 01:00

Name - Linda
Age - 17
Your country of origin - Finland

Your best friend is - China (ARU!!)

You have a crush on - Greece (& kissat)

You hate - Turkey (maski pois!)

You get bullied by - France (O___O)

You are scared of - N-Italy (...ihan tulee paskat housuun)

You go out with for 5 seconds - Latvia (tärin...tärin ... tärin ..)

You get a confession from - Turkey (..ketä vihaan)

You get in a fist fight with - Latvia (vedonlyöntejä otetaan vastaan)

You had a one night stand with - Japan (graur)

Your first boyfriend is - Latvia ( ... ööö)

Everybody graduates but - America (shit happens)

You marry - Turkey (wooot... )

Your first kid name is - Lily (joka päätyy isälleen)

You get in a dispute with - Germany (oh shit)

You get out of the dispute with the help of - Sweden (WHY----!!!)

You have an affair with - Austria (ja hommat tehään pianon päällä)

You get caught by - America (mukaan vaan)

The chances of them telling - 71% (damn)

Your husband finds out about the affair, he feels - Confused (ihan varmasti)

You two get divorced, you drown your sorrows with - Belarus (juodaan Ivanin vodkat)

The percentage of you two doing a one night stand - 59% (#_#)

You move in with - America (eh ... )

You start having feelings for - Canada (EH ...!)

You get a confession from - America (^_^)

The percentage of you excepting their feelings - 38% (ei sitte)

You say no, they then go out with - Estonia (jahas)

You get ambushed by - Hong Kong (WHY)

The chances of you getting out of their alive - 72% (HAHA !! sucker)

You unxpecting get glomped by - Finland (no todellakin tuli yllätyksenä)

You are lonely, you get a - Drink of wine (ja paljon)

Drunk, you kiss - Prussia (GRAURR)

Percentage of how much they liked the kiss - 83% (uuuu..)

You have a huge war against - Russia (OMFG i´m gonna dieee !!)

Your chances of winning - 15% (-____-)

You die by - Nuclear Attack (KABOOM)

The only person not to go to your funeral is - Lithuania (ei sit, en ois halunnukkaa)

This person is the most devestated by your death - Russia (aws)

The person that is most happiest that you've died - Prussia (paskiainen!)

This person is the master mind of your death - England (Ivan ! go kill England !!)

How much you liked your life - 97% (kiva kiva)

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