


wrong or right, it's all a role play

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 05.11.2010 20:21

you were not there when I wanted to say
that you were everything right
and it wasn't you but me to change

now I got to go it alone
but I'll never give up
no I'll never give up

I said I'm ok but I know how to lie
you were all that I had
you were delicate and hard to find

I got lost in the back of my mind
and I can never get back
no I've never got back

you were not there when I needed to say
I hit the bottom so fast that my head was spinning 'round for days

now I gotta go it alone
but I will never give up
no I'll never give up

said that I'd fight for the one that I've found
I'm gonna stay here while I wait for you to come around
I fight you're a part of me now

and I will never give up, no I'll never give up

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