


God D*** Thats A Lot Of Views!!!


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[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 31.05.2010 02:09

Ruottissa oltiin ja ruotista tultiin :DDD mahti reissu x)

Kiitos: Riku 3v. ja Sanni Äiti x')

Voi Tim raukkaa xDDMaanantai 24.05.2010 02:13

Tim Finnegan lived in Watling Street
A gentle Irishman mighty odd
He'd a beautiful brogue so rich and sweet
To rise in the world he carried a hod
You see he'd sort of a tippling way
with love for a liquor poor Tim was born
To help him on with his work every day
He'd a drop of the Craythor every morn'
One morning Tim was rather full
His head felt heavy which made him shake
Fell from the ladder and broke his skull
So they carried him home his corpse to wake
Rolled him up in a nice clean sheet
And laid him upon the bed
A bottle of whiskey at his feet
And a gallon of porter at his head
His friends assembled at his wake
And Missus Finnegan called for lunch
First they brought in tay and cake
Then pipes, tobacco and whiskey and punch
Biddy O'Brien began to cry
Such a nice clean corpse did you ever did see
Tim mavourneen, why did you die?
Hold your gob said Paddy McGee.
Then Peggy O'Connor took up the job
Biddy she says You're wrong I'm sure
Biddy then gave her a belt on the gob
And left her sprawling on the floor
Then the war did soon engage
Woman to Woman and Man to Man
Shillelah law was all the rage
And a row and a ruction soon began
Mickey Maloney he raised his head
When a bottle of whiskey flew at him
It missed him falling on the bed
The liquor scattered over Tim
Tim revives see how he rises
Timothy rising from the bed
Whirl your whiskey around like blazes
Thanum an Dhul, do ye think I'm dead.

Sivistystä teille moukat ;DTorstai 13.05.2010 00:10

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 02.05.2010 14:37

Tampereella oli hienoa menoa ja HB veti mahtavan keikan :D

Liian kaunista <4Torstai 08.04.2010 00:57

One last glance from a taxi cab.
Images scar my mind.
Four weeks've felt like years.
Since your full attention was all mine.
The night was young and so were we.
Talked about life, God, death, and your family.
Didn't want any promises.
Just my undivided honesty, and you said..

Anberling Dismantle - Repair :)

Siis nyt on ollu kiva vk-loppu :DMaanantai 29.03.2010 19:40

Launtaina sannilla katottii isol lössil leffoija varmaa 5-6 ja sit Ketosen ja Myllyrinteen koko 2. tuotantokausi :D

27.03 Klo:17:00/30 alotettiin elokuvien katselu.
28.03 Klo:17:00/30 Lopetettiin ja poistuttiin elokuva huoneesta.

NONSTOP ELOKUVA ILTA, mut vähän pilkittiin siinä välissä :P

Kiitti mahtavast illasta ja Huomena uusiks! x)

Trippii :DTorstai 18.03.2010 18:17

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 17.03.2010 02:21

You can't take my soul away from me!

voi vitsi :(Keskiviikko 03.03.2010 22:34

Harmi kun lakko loppui.. koulus oli niin mukavan hiljaista tänään :)
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