


enjoy the little things in life. for some day you'll look back and realize they were the big things

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I want this more than lifeMaanantai 15.07.2013 16:43

Belief in the breeze,
The smoky morning haze.
The sun on her face,
and the touch of lovers' hands.
The pain that comes today,
Is here, then goes away.

And we are homeward bound,
And I,
I want this more than life,
I want this more than life,
I want this more than life.

To touch something real,
Will help your wounds heal,
Like the sun on your face,
The dreams of starry nights.

And we are homeward bound,
And I,
I want this more than life,
I want this more than life,
I want this more than life...

I want this more than life.

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