


Surrounded but alone

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Jee, oon Niiskuneiti :DTiistai 15.04.2008 01:30

You're Snorkmaiden!

You're a wonderfully sweet person with a radiant personality. Feelings and sentiments are more important to you than cold facts and rational thinking, and you always follow your heart. You have an eye for the beauty in the world and you tend to seek it out.

However, you sometimes have a tendency to be vain and demand a little too much attention and admiration. Perhaps you need to embrace everyday life a little more, and allow yourself and the world to be a little plain every now and then: Let your bangs get stringy, and leave the ankle bracelet on the night stand for a day, just for the heck of it.

In matters of the heart you're very romantic, and you're good at keeping the spark alive in a relationship. You need someone who's loyal and patient, but who's also adventurous enough not to surprise you once in a while. Your ideal match is Moomin.

Careerwise you'd be great at advertising, designing, interior decoration etc., because of your flair for aesthetics.

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