


is evading all systems of control

MASSAMediaTorstai 04.12.2008 00:20

Media syöttää minua tai minä syötän itseäni medialla? Media tuottaa ohjelmat ja niiltä ei voi välttyä. Se valtasi hetkessä internetin. Kaupungit ja laatikot ovat tungettu täyteen värikkäitä mainoksia ja logoja, jotka kaikki vaikuttavat mieleen. Vaikka niitä ei huomaisi. Virallinen mainonta on melkein aina kallista ja laajat mainos/propaganda kampanjat on melkein poikkeuksetta mahdollista vain isoimmilla järjestöillä tai yrityksillä.

Kokeilin teipata kaikki mainoslogot huoneestani. Tuntui hyvältä idealta. Lähitulevaisuudessa joka neliösenttimetri maailmassa ja verkossa tulee olemaan survottu täyteen mainoksia. Minkä takia kansalaiset ajattelevat, että mainoksista ei ole mitään haittaa? Minkä takia kalliita mainoksia olisi niin paljon ja ne maksaisivat niin paljon, jos ne ei vaikuttaisi kansalaisiin? Mitä tahansa paskaa saa myytyä ja mihinkä tahansa mielipiteisiin voidaan vaikuttaa median kautta. Sitä on tehty aina. Ja se on normaalissa mittasuhteessa täysin laillista.

Ihmiset (mukavuudenhaluiset kansalaiset) tarvitsevat ajankulua tai huumeita tappaakseen aikaa, varsinkin jos ei halua tehdä mitään ylimääräistä. Kun huumeiden saantia rajoitettiin maailmanlaajuisesti (poislukien lääkkeet, alkoholi, tupakka) niin TV, radio, Internet yms. pyrkii vastaamaan ihmisen rentoutumisen ja viihdyttämisen tarpeeseen. Kansalaiset ovat tyytyväisiä. Ei tarvitse liikkua pihalla, mikä on todella epämiellyttävääi, vaikeaa ja vaarallista. Valtio ja massamediakorporaattiyritykset syö toistensa käsiä. Ja muutamat valtavat läskit hierarkian päällä saavuttavat tavoitteensa hetkeksi, mikä korruptoi heitä lisää ja lisää ja nei ei saa ikinä tarpeeksi. Ikinä ei saa tarpeeksi muuta kuin hetkeksi.

Pakkomielteinen kontrollin tarve, vallan väärinkäyttö ja jatkuva tyydytys tekee ihmisestä kansalaisen. Valtavan lihakasan. Sotilaat hyökkäsivät ihmisten kimppuun oikeellisuuden lähettiläinä mutta ei tajunnut että suorat vastaukset tekevät ihmiset pidemmän päälle fanaatikoiksi (niin kuin he itse olivat). Kaikki lähti luultavasti anarkismista ja tasapainotteli vapauden ja vallan välillä kunnes joku voitti. Kaikki yhdistyy kunnes sitä ei enää ole. Se mädäntyy ja kuolee koko ajan tai organisoituu ja teollistuu. Jättimäinen syöpä joka kasvaa niin kauan kuin se pystyy. Lisäksi vastarinta on melkein yhtä sekaisin kuin "oikeellisuuden lähettiläät".

Toisaalta tykkään mediasta todella paljon. Olen kiitollinen siitä, että ihmiset tuhlaa satoja miljoonia esim. elokuvaan, jotta minä viihdyn sen edessä muutaman tunnin. Se ruokkii miljoonia nälkäisiä ihmisiä ympäri maailmaa. Ilman mediaa, joku saattaisi tylsistyä...

Tai vanha punk lausahdus "Don't hate the media, become the media"

* advertisers spend an average of 200 ECU/year on every
person to get them to buy their stuff?

* American consumers get hit with three times that?

* advertising is a $200 000 000 000-a-year business?

* the average European spends 60 minutes on average per
day listening to, reading, or watching advertisements?

* by the time someone turns 70 years old, he will have
spent 3 years of his life watching advertisements?

How Evil Are You?Keskiviikko 03.12.2008 18:36

You Are 86% Evil

You're the most evil person you know.
The devil is even a little scared of you!


Kenji Siratori. Japanilainen ns. kirjailija. Kirjoittaa ensin japaniksi, sitten käyttää automaattisia kielenkäännösohjelmia sen kääntämiseksi englanniksi. Tässä vaiheessa tekstistä katoaa turha järki. Sitten vieä cut-up temppuja ja koodausmerkkejä yms. sekoittamaan tekstiä lisää. Ei mikään uusi idea mutta Siratori on onnistunut päivittään sen uudelle vuosituhannelle.

micro topologist=invader moon goes being undermined to battle of the electron that blinks and the cadaver that reproduces the light and darkness of the fear that soaks the drug that turned and was folded up by that sun internal organ is stranded to the shadow of the self site of the absence that the pierrot was disclosed thorn of birth**protoplasm=was turbulent the image that rotates clumsily the massacre of the embryo that the synapse transfigures to the machine of the velocity of light=liquefaction=of=vision is slow down**daydream**vital transmission line is write off**I rape the drop of a corpse to the envy of the atmosphere that was covered with the skull that deceives the spontaneous generation**night sky of violence out of the body of thinking and inject sad strange of body fluid bigcrunch dark blood of the magnetic field that an embryo causes the sunspot can¡Çt quite count to the infinite formation of road to the anus crowded wears to my skin that awakes and attached////I ill-treat the dream of the cadaver that ignores the death of the self cell traveled several refraction from the internal organ that charms the murder of the sky at night the light that secreted a cruel prism the sun that absorbed the tragedy of the ground to the bare feet of the self while my insanity that occurred in X of a drug: the earth was hang space by the blue sky branches this whole magnetic field with the speed that respires the ruin of the brain cell--like the voice of the delicate murder that causes the ovarium of ruin in the sea of chaos fluttered and was reflected in the interface of suffocation--the apoptosis pain that the death of someone navigates the night to my vertigo of the cell unit that conceived the reproduction of the other self that laughs links with the blackhole satellite was abandoned: the buffoonery of the road**plasma**grief:::descends that the package circle embryo was compressed depressingly--in the earth of habitual use nature--I catch--the junk focus of the sun!

Mun oma leikelmä random sanoista:

The junk focus of ovarium of ruin in the sea of chaos fluttered plasma road of grief
The pain that links with the circle embryo package was the cell unit that conceived the reproduction and death cycle and was reflected in the interface of buffoonery -in the earth of smadi navigates the night of vertigo of habitual use of the other self that laughs at the sun! Blackhole satellite was abandoned:
Joidenkin ihmisten mielestä syödessä ei saisi pitää toista ihmistä suussa. miksi ruoka suussa ei saa olla toisen ihmisen suussa? Minkä takia kauhuleffoissa veistä kaytettään ilman haarukkaa. Tai pelkkää haarukkaa käytettäessä se on eri kädessä kuin veitsen kanssa. Miksi en söisi pelkällä ruokapöydällä? sairaimmat söisi pelkällä haarukalla? Mistä haarukkaa ja veistsi on saanut alkunsa? miksi ruoka suussa ei saa puhua? Pidätkö kyynerpäitä pyödän päällä? Minkä takia päällä? Ymmärrän, että se saattaa olla sotkuista. Ruoka on ruman näköistä ja se roiskuu. Toisen ihmisen suorittamista. Mistä se idea on revitty?

American psychoTiistai 25.11.2008 14:11

Katselin pitkästä aikaa American Psychon. Täytyy lukea kirja taas, koska en muista siitä enää muuta kuin muutaman jutun. Kirjan pointti tulee kuitenkin selväksi elokuvassa ja ei tarvi lukea satoja sivuja muotivinkkejä jne.

"Harold, it's Bateman, Patrick Bateman. You're my lawyer so I think you should know: I've killed a lot of people. Some girls in the apartment uptown uh, some homeless people maybe 5 or 10 um an NYU girl I met in Central Park. I left her in a parking lot behind some donut shop. I killed Bethany, my old girlfriend, with a nail gun, and some man uh some old faggot with a dog last week. I killed another girl with a chainsaw, I had to, she almost got away and uh someone else there I can't remember maybe a model, but she's dead too. And Paul Allen. I killed Paul Allen with an axe in the face, his body is dissolving in a bathtub in Hell's Kitchen. I don't want to leave anything out here. I guess I've killed maybe 20 people, maybe 40. I have tapes of a lot of it, uh some of the girls have seen the tapes. I even, um... I ate some of their brains, and I tried to cook a little. Tonight I, uh, I just had to kill a LOT of people. And I'm not sure I'm gonna get away with it this time. I guess I'll uh, I mean, ah, I guess I'm a pretty uh, I mean I guess I'm a pretty sick guy. So, if you get back tomorrow, meet me at Harry's Bar, so you know, keep your eyes open."

"You are a fucking ugly bitch, I want to stab you to death, and then play around with your blood."

"It's as if her mind is having a hard time communicating with her mouth, as if she is searching for a rational analysis of who I am, which is, of course, an impossibility:"

"I have to return some videotapes..."

"Everything failed to subdue me. Soon everything seemed dull: another sunrise, the lives of heroes, falling in love, war, the discoveries people made about each other. The only thing that didn't bore me, obviously enough, was how much money Tim Price made, and yet in its obviousness it did. There wasn't a clear, identifiable emotion within me, except for greed and, possibly, total disgust. I had all the characteristics of a human being -- flesh, blood, skin, hair -- but my depersonalization was so intense, had gone so deep, that the normal ability to feel compassion had been eradicated, the victim of a slow, purposeful erasure. I was simply imitating reality, a rough resemblance of a human being, with only a dim corner of my mind functioning. Something horrible was happening and yet I couldn't figure out why -- I couldn't put my finger on it."

Bateman: Ask me a question.
Daisy: What do you do?
Bateman: I'm into... well, murders and executions mostly.
Daisy: Do you like it?
Bateman: It depends. Why?
Daisy: Because most guys I know who work with mergers and acquisitions really don't like it.

Jean: What's that?
Bateman: Duct tape. I need it for... taping something.

?Maanantai 17.11.2008 16:26

Kysymysmerkit kannattaa tähdätä lähelle ydintä??
Kun kysyy tarpeeksi monta kertaa, seuraa räjähdys!!
Mitään ei ole enää olemassa. uudet mahdollisuudet. uudet koukut ja saaliit.

Phase 1 = Collect Underpants
Phase 2 = ?
Phase 3 = Profit

There is only one thing that counts:

Töissä taas tylsää...Torstai 13.11.2008 15:33

Ammottava reikä päässä
palomuuri välissä
annanko mönjän valua pihalle
vai lapioinko sen sisälle

Pää täynnä paskaa
tukkii reiän päässä
poraan ja kaivan ja täytän sen taas

onko mitään muuta kuin eri tavoilla pakattua paskaa?
onko ydin paskaa ja kuori jotain loistavaa?
onko kuori kuvitelmaa millä saa asiat vaikuttaan muultakin kuin paskalta?
erottaako ainoastaan kuvitelma asiat paskasta?

Minkä avulla kuvitelma tekee erotuksen?
Ilman kriittisyyttä kaikki on paskaa
tai kääntämällä pää ylösalaisin kaikki saattaa muuttua loistavaksi
aivot valuu vittuun.
(The scene: Wilhelm Reich is on trial in Hell. The trial looks in all respects like a 3-ring circus, complete with jugglers, acrobats, fire-eaters, etc. The prosecuting attorneys are the Marquis de Sade and Count von Sacher-Masoch, both of whom are dressed as clowns. The Ringmaster (Satan) presides as judge.
Early on in the trial, Dr. Reich introduced as evidence a Computer which continually monitors the growth of the worldwide nuclear weapons stockpile. The Computer emits an ear-splitting whistle every time there is an increment in firepower equivalent to the original Hiroshima bomb.....)

SADE: Why did you rebel against Freud?

REICH: (slowly) I rebelled against Freud because he was a coward.

The Computer whistles again.

SADE: A coward? The man who challenged all the taboos of his age?

REICH:He back-tracked, he evaded, he weaseled. He would not say flatly what his theories all implied.

The Computer whistles again.

SADE: (shouting over whistle) You mean he did not share your Utopian fantasies.

REICH:Look at the photos of him; look at that jaw.

The Computer whistles again.

REICH:Look at his expression, those clenched teeth. He was holding back -- and I tell you, all of you, that is why he got cancer of the jaw finally. He wouldn't speak what he knew. He held it in, behind those clenched teeth, until it killed him.

SADE: And what is the truth Freud dared not speak?

REICH:Everybody knows it by now. Look at the crime news on TV --

Computer whistles again.

REICH:or go into the emergency clinics and talk to the rape victims. Talk to the battered wives and the abused children. Our whole species is mad, emotionally plagued. We have been mad so long that every attempt to break out of the Trap just unleashes unconscious rage and increases the violence.

Computer whistles again.

REICH:We all know we're in the Trap, but nobody knows how to get out of it. We attack each other thinking that's the way out.

SADE: What? That is the truth Freud dared not speak? I thought he said all that in Civilization and its Discontents.

REICH:He would not say there was a way out of the Trap -- one way only --

SADE: Your way, of course.

REICH:The way I discovered, gradually, after many mistakes.

SADE: Which is?

REICH:Work on the breathing and the muscle tensions. And tell people frankly that there is no metaphysical Good and Evil in the human world any more than there is in the animal world or the chemical world or the physical world of gravity and mass.

SADE: Hedonistic materialism, in short. The permissive society.

REICH: Not permissiveness. Sanity. If a child is a nuisance, tell him so. Tell him his behavior is annoying. But never, never make a metaphysical moral issue out of it. Never, never say anything is sinful or wrong in a cosmic sense. Never pass on the lunacey, the Emotional Plague, that has come down to us from ages of superstition and barbarism.

SADE: A world without morals. Anarchy. That is what you mean?

REICH: It is not anarchy. It is what every person with an ounce of sanity knows. Nobody is to blame for anything. We are all in the mess together because our ancestors were mad and a mad society has passed on their repression from generation to generation.

SADE: And the things I did before I was brought here and cured? They were not Evil?

REICH: You enjoyed feeling Evil because it made you seem heroic. The humiliating truth, Marquis, is that you were merely ill.

SADE: And Hitler was merely ill?

REICH: That is the horror of the situation. We all know it by now, but we cannot remember. We repress it and go on blaming one another -- we forget what we know, because remembering it means remembering that we are robots, too -- that we have all been crippled in different ways by trying to live in the imaginary world of morals instead of the real world of nature.

SADE: So we just teach people how to breathe properly and relax their muscles and we will have Utopia?

REICH: No. I never said it was that easy. I said it was almost impossible, but we had to try, if there was to be any chance of survival at all. Removing the Emotional Plague is just like removing bubonic plague. It will take decades of work all over the world by thousands of specialists. But if we don't try --

Computer whistles again.

REICH: We must understand that every moral idea is strictly a hallucination. It creates guilt which creates muscular tension, which creates rage. That leads to further armoring, to hold the rage in. That leads to all the psychosomatic illnesses that orthodox medicine can't cure and to all the social pathologies around us. Rape. Child-beating. War.

Computer whistles again.

REICH: (excited, beginning to harangue) You compared me to Rousseau. Yes, in the Age of Reason, he had to recreate the myth of Eden again; he called it the Noble Savage. A hundred years later, Marx had to recreate it: he called it the primitive matriarchy, before private property. Eden is always recreated, because we know there is a natural grace and a natural way of life we have lost. We lost it through the invention of Good and Evil. As soon as we believed we were sinners, the Trap closed on us. We accepted the sin and punished ourselves. Or we projected the sin outward and punished scapegoats.

Computer whistles again.

REICH: (rage bursting through) Masochism or sadism -- those were the only choices once we believed in Good and Evil, once we believed in Sin. We are animals. We are no more guilty than a dog, a cat, a horse, a chipmunk. Everybody has known it since Darwin. But we are still in the Trap.

SADE: You really hate the Morality that caused you to kill your parents.

REICH: It is causing the whole human race to kill its children! We cannot see what we are doing. We have been robbed blind by our damned Morality.

SADE turns away sharply.

SADE: Your Almightiness, the prosecution rests. We believe it is obvious, out of his own mouth, that the defendant is a menace to civilization as we know it.

REICH: Wait! Do you know why that moment in nature is so precious, that moment of peace and oneness?

RINGMASTER: The defendant will not speak at this time.

REICH: It is a moment beyond Good and Evil!

RINGMASTER: You can argue that later. Fifteen minute recess. Then we will hear the case for the defense. (He rises)

The Computer whistles three times rapidly.

MASOCH: All rise!

Houselights up. As audience starts to leave, REICH begins addressing them.

REICH: Listen to me a moment! That moment of peace, that moment in Nature, beyond Good and Evil -- that is the essence of us. Our core. Our true selves. We normally never feel it because --

RINGMASTER: Clear the Court!

REICH: because our muscles hold it down. Our muscles are chronically tense, it is so chronic that we never notice it. We only notice the peace when on a rare moment the tension relaxes. What do you think the Drug Culture is all about? Relaxing the muscular armor, getting rid of that tension for a few hours, or a few moments.

ACROBATS go down into the audience and persuade people to leave. They are very polite, like well-trained policemen, and become very threatening (in a polite way) with those unwilling to leave while REICH is still talking.

REICH: We are diseased -- dis-eased. We have lost touch with natural feeling. When the Life Force tries to break through the muscular armor, it gets deflected, I say, and comes out dis-eased and violent. That's why all political revolutions fail. That's why there are no political solutions. That's why

RINGMASTER: Silence the defendant.

MASOCH and SADE "beat" REICH with bladders again and drag him offstage right.

REICH: (as he goes) You can't feel naturally. You can't see what you are doing, or what is being done around you. You are robots. Robots. All of you. All of you.


Siltojen polttaminenKeskiviikko 29.10.2008 22:36

vaikuttaa siltä että se tuhoutuu
vaikutan/en vaikuta/voin vaikuttaa sen tuhoutumiseen
vaikuttaa siltä että pystyn vaikuttamaan siihen että se tuhoutuu
vaikuttamalla kriittisiltä vaikuttaviin pisteisiin vaikutan siihen että se tuhoutuu

Vaikutusvoimalla sillat alas!

Kannattaa varmaan ylittää ne ensin...

modern drunkard juttujaKeskiviikko 29.10.2008 17:03

“I went out last night and didn’t drink a drop. I talked all night and in the morning I remembered everything I said. It was horrifying.”
Juan R. explaining his third shot of the afternoon at SwankyÂ’s.

“If you don’t drink in the morning, you can’t be drunk all day.”
Uncle Tom breaking out philosophy and the first beer of the morning.

“I’m afraid of three things: Women, snakes, and the police. They all have the ability to hurt me and make it look like it was my fault.”
Gil H. sums up his fears at Auntie MaeÂ’s Parlor in Manhattan, KS.

“I’ll fuck the guinea pig but I won’t be the fuckin’ guinea pig.”
Jeff being dared to jump off a balcony into the Chicago River.

“I used to live to work. Then I worked to live. Then I worked to drink. Now I must drink to work.”
G.J. clocking in at work, partly drunk and fully functional.

”No wonder you were sick—look at all the puke you swallowed!”
A bartenderÂ’s pithy diagnosis of a patron face down on the bar

“Why am I homeless? Why do all you motherfuckers need homes is the real question.”
Tony R., footloose, rent-free and begging for spare change in front of the Denver Public Library.

“Drink up and be somebody.”
The sagacious Denver Joe at the Cricket on the Hill

"I tried that work thing and I just couldn't get behind it. I mean, you go to work, you get off, you eat some awful meal, you watch some t.v., you go to bed, you wake up and then whole fucking thing stars over again. I mean, there's just no end to it."
Rolly, age 33, unemployed and loving it under a tree along Speer Ave.

"I don't drink to escape or to forget or because I can't handle real life. I drink because whiskey is the key that sets the monkey free."
Daniel at the Lion's Lair Lounge, getting an early start on the afternoon.

“People tell me, ‘Oh, you just drink to escape your problems.’ Well, no shit. I’d eat rat heads if it let me ditch my problems.”
Fred R. spells it all out in front of WalgreenÂ’s.

“Drinking blows my brains out. It blows out all the crap in my head and allows new and better ideas to seep in.”
Michael C. pulling the trigger on a double bourbon at the Streets of London Pub.

“I drink because I prefer the company of drunks, and they don’t like sober people hanging around, making faces.”
Tim M. making sure no one feels uncomfortable at the LionÂ’s Lair.