


i believe in US..


- Vanhempi »

Leonora, my sweety <3Keskiviikko 01.10.2008 14:17

Baby- <sydän> !

I hope 'N pray that this friendship won’t end
'cz if that happen, u can see me crying
when I had a problem,u are the1 who I can lean on
when im mad 'N lonely,u were there 2 cheer me up
Dn’t worry even were apart,u will remain in my heart
I’ll always cherish the days we spent
'cz it’s the day when we become BEST OF FRIEND!
U came into my life,when I really needed a friend.
the more I get 2 know u, the more I know myself.
U 'N I are different...'N in many ways the same.
ur good ear, compassionate heart, will always find u fame.
I'll always B beside u, unitil the very end,
wiping all ur tears away, being ur best friend.
I'll smile when u smile, i feel all the pain u do
& if u cry a single tear, i'll promise i'll cry 2,
i'll B there 4 u whenever u need me,
& im always ready 2 make u smile again baby. <pusu>

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