


The simple lack of her is more to me than others' presence. ~Edward Thomas

Hehee ^^Tiistai 09.03.2010 13:51

Jes, loistavaa... mun uudet hiusvärit tuli just postissa ;DDD
Taidan värjätä heti. Sit otan pari kuvaa ja laitan tänne ^^
Wuhuu.. Astral Moon oli yllättävän nopea toimituksessaan... pari päivää vaan. Tilasin muistaakseni la-su yona ja nyt on vasta tiistai. Ja niillä oli vielä vähän halvempaa kuin muuallakin. Loistava kauppa ;D

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 03.03.2010 22:56

Jousiammunta on aivan loistava laji... oon ihan in luuuv <3
Yllattaen ei oo lihaksetkaan niin jumissa ekan kerran jalkeen kuin olisin odottanu, ja mustelmakin on laskenu eika nayta niin kamalalta enaa. Ens maanantaita odotellessa ^^

NickiPerjantai 19.02.2010 05:04

Mitä nikkini paljastaa minusta?
(Kopioikaa ihmeessä niin saatte tietää nimimerkkinne tarkoituksen!)
A: Hyvä suutelija
B: Tykkää kivoista ihmisistä
C: On villi ja hullu
D: Hänellä on yksi parhaimmista persoonista
E: Tykkää juomisesta
F: Sinua palvotaan
G: Toiset eivät määrää sinua
H: Hyvä persoona ja vielä paremman näköne
I: Hyvä persoona ja vielä paremman näköne
J: Pitää tupakasta
K: Vitun tyhmä
L: kaikkien rakastama
M: Tekee seurustelusta hauskaa
N: Todella seksikäs
O: Paras
P: Tulee toimeen kaikkien kanssa
Q: Tekopyhä
R: Vitun hullu
S: Helposti rakastettavissa
T: Uskollinen rakkailleen
U: Tykkää rentoutua
V: ei tuomitse
W: Erittäin avara katseinen
X: Muut eivät määrää minua
Y: Yksi parhaimmista Tyttö/poika ystävistä, mitä voi olla
Z: Nauraa helposti
Ã…: Ruotsalainen pÃ…lli :DDDD :DD
Ä: Näytät rusinalta :DDDDDD
Ö: Vitun parsa ::DD

M: Tekee seurustelusta hauskaa
O: Paras
N: Todella seksikäs
O: Paras
G: Toiset eivät määrää sinua
A: Hyvä suutelija
T: Uskollinen rakkailleen
A: Hyvä suutelija
R: Vitun hullu
I: Hyvä persoona ja vielä paremman näköne

kopioitua, mutta melko oikeinMaanantai 08.02.2010 02:47

♣ älä sano vihaavasi, jos oikeasti rakastat.
♣ älä sano olevasi ystävä, jos et ole tosissasi.
♣ älä sano 'ihan sama', jos asialla on sinulle jotakin merkitystä.
♣ älä lupaa, jos et pysty pitämään.
♣ älä sano rakastavasi, jos et oikeasti tarkoita sitä.
♣ älä puhu, jos et tarkoita sanomaasi.
♣ älä huuda, jos et tarkoita mitään pahaa.
♣ älä valehtele, jos voit kertoa totuuden.
♣ älä unohda, vaikka sinuun sattuisi.
♣ älä katso vain asioiden huonoja puolia, kun ne hyvät on parempia.
♣ älä vihaa, jos voit rakastaa.
♣ älä unohda, jos voit muistaa.
♣ älä satuta, jos et tarkoita pahaa.

Don't mess with meLauantai 30.01.2010 05:07

Sometimes I know there's nothing to say.
So do I pick up my puzzle and just walk away?
Do I follow my conscience?
Am I mock sincere?
I don't know what I'm doing here.

I have a knack for perceiving things.
I can see how it sounds.
I can feel how it sings.
When you paint me an image of who you are,
I know it's the best by far.

Don't, don't, don't mess my hair, if all you do is fake it.
Don't, don't, don't say you care, cos I could never shake it.
Don't, don't, don't mess with me.
Don't, don't, don't mess with me.

No point of view is enough to quell,
the rigors of passion in this world I dwell.
If I'm going to scale the highest wall,
I'm gonna give it my all.

Riding along with this train of thought,
I see everything, I find all I sought.
And I try to kick the habit of trying to reach.
But there's something I do beseech.

So please,
Don't, don't, don't mess my hair, if all you do is fake it.
Don't, don't, don't say you care, cos I could never shake it.
Don't, don't, don't mess with me.
Don't, don't, don't mess with me.

I'll say it's not surprising.
You're sweet talking, mesmerizing, juicy and appetizing.
But will I need to get over you?

Feels like my sun is rising.
Tick, tick, tick, synchronizing, readjusting, organizing me.
Is this fiction reality?

Bless the uncompromising
with no shame for advertising
when my needs go through downsizing
I need someone to pick up my beat.

My dreams need realizing.
Candles on sugar icing.
Judgment and harmonizing,
or it'll end up like before.

Don't, don't, don't mess my hair, if all you do is fake it.
Don't, don't, don't say you care, cos I could never shake it.
Don't, don't, don't mess with me.
Don't, don't, don't mess with me.

Lalalaa...Torstai 28.01.2010 22:02

Voi kun pienilla asioilla saa paivasta jotain mukavaa aikaseks. Tai no siis olin kaupungissa shoppailemassa pari tuntia, ei mitaan ihmeellista valttamatta siina, mutta sit bussia odotellessa paisto aurinko niin makeasti ja tuli oikeasti lammin ja kovin kevainen fiilis. Oli niin ihanaa ^^ Ja sit sen jalkeen tietty varjasin ja leikkasin hiukset yms. saadin ostosteni kanssa. Not a bad day at all. Sit oonkin lahinna keskittyny siivoomiseen ja nyt pitais lahtea lenkille koirien ja poikien kanssa. Toivottavasti pojat ei ole kovin vastahakoisia... ja sit takaisin tekeman ruokaa mulle ja Nikkille :D

... what a wonderful world.. dii di diiiddii dii ^^
Maybe Tomorrow is a Better Day
I'd stay the hand of god, but the war is on your lips
How can I brace myself for razor blades on whips
When everything with meaning is shattered, broken, screaming
And I'm lost inside this darkness and I fear I won't survive

I could pray and trick with a double tongue, but the only fool here's me
I choose the way to go, but the road won't set me free
Cos I wish you'd see me, baby, save me, I'm going crazy
Tryin' to keep us real, keep us alive

This day will die tonight and there ain't no exception
We shouldn't wait for nothing to wait for
Love me in this fable, babe, my heart is in your hand
Our time is waiting right outside your door
And maybe tomorrow is a better day

I do not deal the cards and I play a lousy hand
I celebrate no victories and my promises are sand
Against all this I contrast you, when all is lost the war is through
Hey angel, dare the winds now we can fly

This day will die tonight and there ain't no exception
Why should I wait for nothing to wait for
Let me love you in this fable, hold your heart in my hand
Our time is waiting right outside your door
And maybe tomorrow is a better day

This day will die tonight and there ain't no exception
Why should I wait for nothing to wait for
I won't cry for my solitude, lay my head and dream of you
And hope that you'll come knocking on my door
And maybe tomorrow is a better day
I know tomorrow is a better day

Yeah..Keskiviikko 27.01.2010 16:20

If it keeps on downloading like that, I'll have Maurice ready by tonight and I can watch it after choir and dinner. Cool

Maybe I should try doing something today, like work etc. haven't been doing much of anything yet this week ;P

Arrrr...Keskiviikko 27.01.2010 16:11

Heh, kuinka paljon huvia voikaan repia yksinkertaisesti vaihtamalla naamakirjan kieleks piraattienglannin.. se on jotain niin hienoa, ei siella tarvi edes tehda mitaan, katselee vaan juttuja ja miten ne on siella ilmoitettu, saapahan hihitella itsekseen makeasti ^^

Pirate name
The name that be given ye by yer wench of a mother..


A surprise actually...Keskiviikko 27.01.2010 03:16

I just watched a movie. The Brideshead Revisited.
I expected it to be more like the stories of Bronte's or Austen's. Well, in different time but fundamentally alike. They're nothing alike.
In the beginning it's all happy and There doesn't seem to be too much social pressure from other people regarding Sebastians behaviour and his obvious feelings towards Charles. And that doesn't really fit the picture in that time. In the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century.
Then in the picture comes Julia. And how Charles, the innocent and gullible little lamb is so smitten by her. And of course the disapproving family. What a setting for a cruel love triangle. So much hurt and guilt and neverending longing. So much hurtfull feelings and it is not made better by the rest of the affluent family in Brideshead. So judging.
And in the end the lion has been wearing the costume of a lamb, and those thought to be in control were actually the prey.
At the end of it all, the lion stands alone. Having wanted too much ended up losing everything.

I'll probably end up buying this one. So good. And I'll have to watch the older one as well.