
japjapTiistai 24.06.2008 23:40

olin tänään taas töissä (Y) tunnollinen nuori kun olen :D
mutta tänään kyllä totesin sellaisen tosiasian että mun rahankäyttöä pitäisi jossain määrin vahtia :'D
ostan nimittäin kaikkee tosi turhaa xD
tossa yksi päivä ostin jotain niin turhaa, että oksat pois. Ostin nimittäin fanta huulirasvan mistä ei oo mitään iloo xD
ja tänään ostin sellaisen pez-karkki jutun >_<
se oli niin hieno että en voinu jättää ostamatta xD
ajatelkaa ny ite ku ootte kaupassa ja näätte sellasen hotin Jack Sparrow karkki jutun.
sellanenhan on ihan pakko ostaa, eiks je?
no minä siis ostin sellaisen :D ja nyt oo vetäny pezejä ihan täysii xD
kyllä ne vaan jotenkin maistuu erillaisilta ku ne syö sellasesta koneesta :D

mun lemppariiiih :DDDDMaanantai 23.06.2008 23:36

meitä on kaksi, kammottavaksi
maailma kaipaa pelastusta
on kansamme loistavin sielultaan musta
on totuus ja rakkaus raukkoja varten, vaan tähdet ja galaksit kuningatarten
Jessie, James
me tähtäämme vasamat taivaisiin, astu alas tai tartumme aseisiin
MIAU, juuri niin

pokemonit rulaaa :DDDDD

asdasdasdasdTorstai 19.06.2008 23:40

Yksin kotona taas vaihteeks ja on tylsäääääääää...
aamulla en edes nukkunut pitkään ja eräs kaalimato soitti minulle.
sit päätin nousta ylös ja mennä (ylläripylläri) koneelle.
sielläkään ei ollut oikeen mitään tekemistä joten lähdin suihkuun.
vähän myöhemmin kaahasin hurjaa 45-50km/h inkoon ihQ Daa juna-asemalle.
siellä hyppäsin junan alle ja kuolin.
ihmiset jotka olivat odottamassa junaa nauroivat vahingon iloisina kun juna liiskasi ruhoni.
touhu oli erittäin veristä!
Korppikotkat söivät ruumiini ja koirat kävivät hakemassa luuni pois raiteilta.
ensi yönä tulen kummitteleemaan TEILLE KAIKILLE!!!
be afraid, be very afraid


p.s. Seppopertti pissi Heikin päälle :D

A story about a princess called Alice

Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess called Alice, she was no ordinary princess. She liked to kill people with her mind.

She never obeyed her parents. She was always in trouble.

And then one day she went missing. Her parents were worried sick of her. But then they started thinking that it was one of her little tricks and thought she would come back once she got hungry.

The night came and the king and the queen went to bed and had passionate sex, while their daughter was all alone in the woods starving.

Princess Alice found a deer and ate it. She tried to find the way back home in the dark but she got lost. The forest was very cold and princess Alice didn't have enough clothes on. She was freezing to death, but luckily a hunter came along and carried her to a cottage.

Princess Alice slept till the morning and when she woke up she didn't have any idea where she was.

The hunter, who's name was Mike, was very friendly to her. Mike offered her some breakfast.

Princess Alice had no idea what had happened. She couldn't remember anything. She didn't even remember being a princess.

After spending years with the hunter in his cottage, Mike the hunter had fallen in love with princess Alice.

One day, when Alice went berry picking in the forest. She saw a girl washing laundry at the nearby lake. Princess Alice started feeling funny. She kept on staring at the laundry girl.

The feeling inside of her grew stronger.

Princess Alice didn't knew what it was.

-Is this love? She asked out loud.

-No, it's lust. Said someone behind her.

It was Mike the hunter.

-There is no such thing as love at first sight. Only lust.

The laundry girl had no idea that she's being watched.

After she was done with the laundry, she took off her clothes and jumped into the lake.

Alice couldn't take her eyes of her, and once the laundry girl started to leave Alice panicked and jumped out of the bush.

-Don't go! Alice screamed.

The laundry girl got scared and she ran away, leaving princess Alice standing alone on the beach.

Mike the hunter and princess Alice walked back to the cottage.

Mike tried to talk to her, but Alice's mind was still on the laundry girl.

-Alice? Asked the hunter.

-What? Answered Alice looking confused.

-Are you still thinking about that girl? Asked the hunter looking angry.

-Yes, I am. I can't get her out of my head. Said Alice smiling.

The hunter got really jealous.

Once Alice was in bed, still thinking about the laundry girl, Mike the hunter came into the room naked. Alice didn't notice him until he crawled next to her.

-Mike?! What are you doing?! Why are you in my bed? NAKED?!

-I'm going to show you what love is.

Mike started kissing Alice and getting on top of her.

-Mike get off me! Alice screams, but Mike wasn't moving.

Alice panicked and kicked him off.

She stood up and started thinking how much she would like to see Mike dead. She was thinking about it really hard.

And all the sudden, Mike stopped moving and Alice realized that he was dead.

That was when everything came back to her.

Princess Alice remembered everything what had happened that night in the forest when she went missing.

She packed up all of her things and started walking back to the castle.

The king and the queen were still crying over princess Alice's empty bed, after having sex in it.

They were thrilled getting their daughter back.

Still the princess wasn't happy. She couldn't stop thinking about the laundry girl

But then one day when princess Alice was sitting in the garden drawing pictures of the laundry girl naked, she couldn't believe her eyes when she saw that very same laundry girl walking up to her.

Princess Alice tried to hide the drawings, but the laundry girl saw them.

Alice thought that the laundry girl would get angry, but she didn't.

She sat naxt to her and went through all the drawings the princess had drawn.

After looking at them quite sometime, she looked at Alice and smiled.

-No one's ever drawn a picture of me. You're very good. Said the laundry girl.

-Well...ehm...yea...sort of I guess...You're very pretty. Said Alice and went all red

The laundry girl started laughing.

Alice thought she was going to walk away, but instead the laundry girl pushed Alice's hair back and gave her a kiss.


(totally nude)

olen sekcyyuMaanantai 18.02.2008 15:55

Tänäään olin sekaisin MaRIUHUANASTA! Seoli kivaa.
JA make halusi paneskellavilleä
mutta metsässä oli liikaa sieniä
olne pissis!

my life is 70,5% worth livingMaanantai 18.02.2008 14:35

[ ] You have a boyfriend/girlfriend.
[x] You love music.
[/] You have your own room.
[x] You own a mobile phone
[x] You have an ipod/ mp3 player.
[ ] Your parents are still married.
[x] You have more than 1 best friend.
[ ] There is a swimming pool/hot tub in your backyard
T 0 T A L: 4½

[x] You dress how you want to.
[ ] You hang out with friends more than once a week. not at school/college/work
[x] There is a computer / laptop in your room right now.
[x] You have never been beaten up.
[x] You are allowed to listen to the music you want to.
[x] Your room isn't too small for you.
T 0 T A L: 9½

[ ] You have400+ friends on myspace
[x] You have pictures on myspace
[x] You have a myspace
[ ] You get allowance/wage/salary.
[ ] You collect something
[x] You sometimes look forward to going to school/work.
[ ] You don't wish you were someone else.
[x] You do something after school/college
T 0 T A L: 13½

[ ] You own a car
[ ] You usually don't fight with your mum
[x] You are happy with your appearance.
[ ] You do not have any failing grades.
[x] You have friends.
T 0 T A L: 15½

[x] You know what is going on in the world.
[x] You care about many people.
[x] You know more than one language
[x] You have a screen name.
[x] You own a pet.
[x] You know the words to more than 5 songs.
[x] You don't have any serious enemies.
[x] Your generally a nice person
T 0 T A L: 23½

now count your numbers and multiply by 3
Then title this "MY LIFE IS ..% WORTH LIVING"

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 16.02.2008 21:35

Poikamainen puolesi:

[x] Rakastat huppareita
[x] Rakastat farkkuja
[x] Koirat on parempia kuin kissat
[x] Olet vahingoniloinen
[x] Olet pelannut poikien kanssa samassa joukkueessa
[/] Shoppailu on kidutusta
[ ] Inhoat surullisia elokuvia
[ ] Omistat xboxin
[x] Olet leikkinyt pienenä leluautoilla
[ ] Olet halunnut olla palomies
[x] Sinulla on DS, PS2 tai sega.
[ ] Sinulla on ollut pakkomielle power rangeseihin
[/] Katsot urheilua TV:stä
[/] Pyydät isältäsi neuvoja
[ ] Haluaisit omistaa satoja baseball-lippiksia
[ ] Tykkäät käydä jalkapallopeleissä
[ ] Olet kerännyt/keräät baseball kortteja
[x] Roikkuvat farkut ovat makeita
[ ] On outoa pitää pyjamabileitä
[x] Vihreä, musta, punainen, sininen tai hopea on yksi lempiväreistäsi
[x] Sinusta on hauska tehdä hulluja juttuja välittämättä mitä muut ihmiset ajattelevat
[/] Urheilu on hauskaa
[x] Puhut ruoka suussa
[x] Käytät boksereita

Total: 14

Tyttömäinen puolesi:

[ ] Käytät huulikiiltoa
[/] Rakastat shoppailua
[x] Käytät eyelineria
[ ] Sinulla on sama paita useana erivärinä
[ ] Pukeudut pinkkiin
[/] Pyydät äidiltäsi neuvoja
[ ] Mielestäsi cheerlearding on urheilua
[ ] Inhoat pukeutua mustaan
[/] Tykkäät hengailla ostareilla/kauppakeskuksissa
[ ] Tykkäät käydä manikyyreiisä/pedikyyreissä
[x] Tykkäät pitää koruja
[/] Hameet ovat suuri osa garderobiasi
[ ] Shoppailu on yksi lempiharrastuksistasi
[x] Et pidä Star Wars-elokuvasta
[x] Olet harrastanut cheerleadingia, kuntosalia tai tanssia
[x] Sinulla menee noin tunti käydä suihkussa, pukeutua, meikata ja valita asusteet
[x] Naurat paljon
[x] Sinulla on enemmän kuin 10 paria kenkiä
[x] Välität ulkonäöstäsi
[ ] Pukeudut aina mekkoon kun siihen on mahdollisuus
[x] Käytät hajuvesiä
[x] Käytät tyttöjen alusvaatteita
[x] Leikit pienenä nukeilla
[/] Tykkäät meikata toisia ihmisiä
[x] Tykkäät ottaa itsestäsi kameralla kuvia kun sinulla on tylsää

Total: 14½


Would you?Maanantai 17.12.2007 17:08

Would you...

[ ] Push me into a wall and kiss me?

[ ] Come To My House To Do Nothing But Chill?

[ ] Slap Me?

[ ] Slap me if i asked you to?

[ ] Kiss Me?

[ ] Let Me Kiss You?

[ ] Watch A Movie With Me?

[ ] Take Me Out To Dinner?

[ ] Take A Shower With Me?

[ ] Take Me Home For The Night?

[ ] Let Me Sleep In Your Bed?

[ ] Take Me Anywhere With You

[ ] Repost This For Me To Answer Your Questions?

[ ] Lock Me In Your room And Take Advantage Of Me?

[ ] Let me lock you in your room and Take Advantage of you?

[ ] Let Me Make You Breakfast?

[ ] Make me breakfast?

[ ] Tickle Me?

[ ] Let Me Tickle You?

[ ] Stick Up For Me If I Was Being Put Down?

[ ] Instant Message Me?

[ ] Greet Me In Public?

[ ] Hang Out With Me?

[ ] Hold my waist from behind while we are out?

[ ] Bring Me Around Your Friends?

[ ] Fall in love with me

[ ] Like me

[ ] Love me

Do You...

[ ] Miss Me?

[ ] Think I'm Sexy?

[ ] Think I'm Cute?

[ ] Think I'm Hot?

[ ] Think I'm Ok?

[ ] Think I'm Ugly?

[ ] Want To Kiss Me?

[ ] Want To Cuddle With Me?

[ ] Want To Date Me?

Am I...

[ ] Smart?

[ ] Funny?

[ ] Cool?

[ ] Loveable?

[ ] Adorable?

[ ] Great To Be With?

[ ] Attractive?

[ ] 1-10 how cute/hott

[ ] Mean?

[ ] Ugly?

[ ] Gorgeous?

Have You Ever...

[ ] Thought About Hooking Up With Me?

[ ] Found Yourself Wanting To Kiss Me Non Stop?

[ ] Wished I Were There?

[ ] Had A Crush On Me?

[ ] Wanted My Number?

[ ] Had A Dream About Me?

[ ] Been Distracted By Me?

Are You...

[ ] Happy You Know Me?

[ ] Thinking About Me?

[ ] My friend?

LoLMaanantai 12.11.2007 23:21

Ei saatana! en päässy siitä helvetin fyssan uusinnasta läpi! xD
Vähänkö oon surkee xD