


seisoo takanasi

☆472☆Keskiviikko 30.06.2010 17:25

Junseok grabbed the paper from her and found the killer's words:
"Oh I killed a jap a while ago I stabbed him to Death at Tustin High school I walked up to him Dominic was with me and I seen this guy Roller blading and I had a knife. We was in the tennis court where he was
I walked up to him. Dominic was right there I walked up to him and he was scared I looked at him and said 'Oh I thought I knew you' and he got happy that he wasn't gonna get jumped. Then I hit him....
It was grammatically horrendous, and Junseok wondered why they hadn't edited it.
I stomped on his head 3 times and each time said 'Stop looking at me' then he was kinda knocked out Dazzed then I stabbed him in the side about 7 or 8 times he rolled over a little so I stabbed his back out 18 or 19 times then he layed flat and I slit one side of his throught on his jugular vain. On, the sounds the guy was making wew like Uhhh. then Dominic said 'do it again' and I said 'I already Did. Dude. 'Ya , Do it again' so I cut his other jugular vain, and Dominic said 'Kill him Do it again' and I said 'he's already Dead' Dominic said 'Stab him in the heart' So I stabbed him about 20 or 21 times in the heart...... Then I wanted to go back and look, so we Did and he was dieing just then taking in some bloody gasps of air so I nidged his face with my shoe a few times, then I told Dominic to kick him, so he kicked the fuk out of his face and he still has blood on his Shioes all over...... then I ditched the knife, after whiping it clean onto the side of the 5 freeway......"

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