
Niin totta.Keskiviikko 26.09.2007 02:04

There's this girl I don't know
Comes by every year or so
And if I get the mail before my mom does
Then I will stay out of trouble
She'll change every year
Even pretty without beer
She doesn't care about my hair
My car, my tiny pee pee in the mirror

Whoo, yehh !!!
She's finally here
Whoo, yehh !!!
She comes one time a year
Whoo, yehh !!!
She's finally here
Whoo, yehh !!!
My Playmate Of The Year
She moves me
She makes me grow
I'm so happy and boy does it show
Now she's going to my head
She's going to my head
I'm gonna make this milky clear
You're my Playmate Of The Year

Hello how are you
It's great to see you too
Let's grab a sock
It's time to rock
And afterwards
You never want to talk
We always agree
Who's in charge here is me
We never fight
You know I'm right
It's always straight between you and me

Let me go down on this girl for a day
We can play spin the bottle
Everyone can hear her say
That I was the best she's ever had
She could be my playmate
And she could call me dad

Whoo, yehh !!!
She's finally here
Whoo, yehh !!!
Comes one time a year
Whoo, yehh !!!
She's finally here
Whoo, yehh !!!
My Playmate Of The Year
She moves me
She makes me grow
I'm so happy and boy does it show
Now she's going to my head
She's going to my head
I'm gonna make this milky clear
You're my Playmate Of The Year

Whoo, yehh !!!
She's finally here
My Playmate Of The Year
She moves me
She makes me grow
I'm so happy and boy does it show
Now she's going to my head
She moves me
She makes me grow
I'm so happy and boy does it show
Now she's going to my head
She's going to my head
I'm gonna make this milky clear
You're my Playmate Of The Year

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 24.09.2007 01:16

- Hei! Mulla on sun tavaratki vielä... :DDDD

- Eeei... Vaan mulla on sun tavarat ;)

- Hö..! Niinhän mä sanoin ;))))) <3


Oon välillä jopa niin ovela etten itekkään tajuu... Tyhmä minä c(:

IltakuulutusKeskiviikko 29.08.2007 01:11

Maisa sanoo: Hei vähä ois siistii jos söis kääretortun sillee konaan niinku siitä! :DD

Minna sanoo: Hahaha!

Timo sanoo: No mä oon syöny! :D

Maisa sanoo: No niin just.

Timo sanoo: Ja mä viel kerroin sulle siitä ;)

Maisa sanoo: Etkä!? :D

Timo sanoo: No joohan! Kerroin ku olin koulus ja ostin kääretortun ja söin sen kokonaan sillee... Äitilleski kerroin sen ku oli samassa pöydässä :D

Tarja sanoo: Niin kerto, eikä oo ees pitkä aika...

Timo sanoo: Niin siinäs kuulit ;)

Maisa sanoo: Mut en mä muistanu et se oli kääretorttu!! :DD

Timo sanoo: No mitä sä luulit?! Et mä oisin syöny lenkkimakkaran sillee!? Minkä kyl oon tehny mut joo...

(Täs vaihees kaikki repes ja tarja toisti edellisen)

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 27.08.2007 01:23

Simple minds, simple lives.

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 20.08.2007 16:46

Zebrahead - Wannabe <33<3<3<3

Raiskattu Spice Girls:eja...
1. [x] Olet meinannut tukehtua veteen.
2. [x] Olet kompastunut alas portaita.
3. [x] Olet kävellyt päin ovea.
4. [x] Olet työntänyt ovea väärään suuntaan.
5. [x] Olet kävellyt seinää päin.
6. [ ] Olet kaatunut kävellessäsi portaita ylös.
7. [x] Olet hypännyt jostakin pois. (tyhmä kysymys)
8. [ ] Olet ollut shokissa.
9. [x] Olet laittanut metallia/alumiinia mikroon.
10. [x] Olet joskus mainosten jälkeen unohtanut mitä ohjelmaa olit katsonut ennen mainoksia.
11. [x] olet unohtanut mitä toinen on sanonut.
12. [ ] Perheesi/kaverisi kutsuvat sinua blondiksi.
13. [x] Et aina ymmärrä vitsejä tai sinulla kestää pitkään ymmärtää ne.
14. [x] Olet vuotanut verta etkä ole itse huomannut asiaa.
15. [ ] Olet pitänyt jotakin vaatetta koko päivän väärinpäin etkä ole huomannut asiaa.
16. [ ] Olet työntänyt veitsen leivänpaahtimeen.
17. [x] Olet leikkinyt tulella.
18. [ ] Olet jättänyt uuniin ruoan ja sait sen palamaan sillä unohdit että ruoka on uunissa.
19. [ ] Olet astunut hiustensuoristimen taikka kihartimen päälle sen ollessa päällä.
20. [x] Sinun piti käyttää laskinta, taikka sormiasi laskiessasi alla olevaa vastausta

13 * 5 = 65%

tere tere (:Keskiviikko 25.07.2007 02:05

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Sum 41 - Open Your EyesTiistai 24.07.2007 04:18

I'm not quite myself.
I do need some help.
Just my confusion,
Trust my delusion.

Don't you,
Regret you met me.
Go through,
These steps to get me,
Back to where we start,
'Fore I fall apart.

If I could black out,
It'd become so clear,
Standing face-to-face with everything I fear.

Watch so closely,
but still I don't see.
As bad as it seems,
a piece of mind I steal,
An ordinary life,
But consequences real.
I'm past the point of reality.

This isn't me,
This isn't you,
When it's just everything we do.
Till you open up your eyes,
and understand this isn't real.
This isn't me,
This isn't you,
This is everything but true,
Till we come to realize,
It's what we put each other through.

It's like a bad dream,
Coming all so true,
Leaving me with nothing else left to do.
Now so helpless,
I'm not so selfish.
Tell me,
How does it feel to have a face like that,
How does it feel to be replaced like that.
Now so faceless,
Do you still feel

This isn't me,
This isn't you,
When it's just everything we do.
Till you open up your eyes,
and understand this isn't real.
This isn't me,
This isn't you,
This is everything but true,
Till we come to realize,
It's what we put each other through.

It's hard to believe right now
This seem to be real.
Still phasing by this time
So why can't I wake up

This isn't me,
This isn't you,
When it's just everything we do.
Till you open up your eyes,
and understand this isn't real.
This isn't me,
This isn't you,
This is everything but true,
Till we come to realize,
It's what we put each other through

So people belive in your dreams but I'm just saying don't get too realistic whit them... That's just tearing your imagine apart, If you whish to be in hawaji drinking beer uot of a dragons skull and that doesn't happen... Your killing yourself whit your dreams... (ja vielä biisi saamaan fiilis kattoon..)