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Babble-ramble... bubble? {*≧∀≦}Sunnuntai 11.05.2008 22:04

うわ。。I would like to write about so many things.. I have this whoot!-feeling all the time. (≧∇≦)

I have noticed something quite interesting. Looking back my diary entries here in Galleria they've changed radically. It just might have something to do with my great interest in Japan, but my entries have changed into Japanese style. (・∀・)

And I'm not talking about only the way how I occasionally write in Japanese 「kana & kanji」, but also the whole concept of how I write has changed! My sentences seem to have similarity with the ones I've read written by native Japanese people. 怖いね? (^■^*)

And the use of emoticons.. My God, it's unbelievable. (´∀`) Don't get me wrong. Since the day I discovered emoticons, I've used them like hell. xD You could say I put one after every other sentence and it wouldn't be a lie. Actually, many times I put a smiley after _every_ sentence. (●>ω<●) But after I got into Japan, I've used even more and more emoticons and not just the typical Western ones, but Japanese..

OK. That's about that. Like I said in the beginning, there are sooo many things I would like talk 「and mainly flail =DD」 about, but I don't really have the energy to write much right now.. (^^*)

But. I read something interesting from a Japanese blog today: ELLEGARDEN 「picture」 is going to stop their activities this September. I have never liked them, so it doesn't really concern me, but I just thought I'd share this information if there are readers who like the band. (*´∀`)

So, just out of curiosity I went to their official page, and it was stated there by the band's leader, Ubukata Shinichi, that their last performance will be on September. When I read what he had written, it was the same old story about the member's musical disagreements and such. No originality. ▼ω▼

Well.. even if I don't care about them, I still always find it sad to see bands disbanding. And hey, you got to give it to them: they were active for ten years, and that's quite good in this hectic modern world where everything comes and goes like a flashing. (´ェ`*)

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