


Werewolf farmer

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Sabaton - White DeathTorstai 14.04.2011 20:36

(Tää kertoo Simo Häyhästä, for your information.)

Almost night a crimson horizon painting thousand lakes red
As your army approach from the east a hunter is switching his prey
All alone a man with his gun wanders into the wild
Tracks you down you cannot hide once he's on to your trail

Enter the night a flash in the darkness White Death is heading your way
The fear of his foes a hero at home hundreds will fall by his gun

You're in the snipers sight
The first kill tonight
Time to die
You're in the bullets way
The White Death's prey
Say goodbye

After the dawn when morning is broken snow once white turn to red
Blood red snow tells what happened last night a tale of a sniper is born
Snow in mouth, hiding his breath he is steady at hand
Eye to eye target in sight the moment to fire has come

Hundreds of kills a man and his rifle embody the sisu of finns
Stay out of sight and cover your head
When he pulls the trigger you're dead

You're in the snipers sight
The first kill tonight
Time to die
You're in the bullets way
The White Death's prey
Say goodbye

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