


Toisin sanoen perus kasari kakara!

Saviorself<3Keskiviikko 24.06.2009 21:42

Yeah, I built with Alexander the Great
He told the Persians they should stay gone
Then he told me about the Oracle of Amar
He gave me no clue, where it is
Men feared time, yet time feared the pyramids
He gave me more jewels, he told me that
Amenhotep was a moral tool, I can't overstand hieroglyph
So I called Killah Priest, and he taught me how to follow it
I walked through the Valley of the Kings
With a white robe, white rose and what I will brings
And your whole team Judas, my road thin, gold skin like Juicis
I speak the dialog of the dead, I practiced the same more tactics
In King Arthur's head, so let the swordsmen kill the beast
It's a Legacy of Blood, with Vinnie Paz and Killah Priest

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