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[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 15.07.2011 12:43

I don't have to leave anymore
What I have is right here
Spend my nights and days before
Searching the world for what's right here

Underneath and unexplored
Islands and cities I have looked
Here I saw
Something I couldn't over look

I am yours now
So now I don't ever have to leave
I've been found out
So now I'll never explore

See what I've done
That bridge is on fire
Going back to where I've been
I'm froze by desire
No need to leave

Where would I be
IF this were to go under
It's a risk I'd take
I'm froze by desire
As if a choice I'd make

I am yours now
So now I don't ever have to leave
I've been found out
So now I'll never explore

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[Ei aihetta]Torstai 23.12.2010 23:28

What if I fall along the way
Would you be there...

So you heard, that I'm on my way
Wish that I didn't have to say
Goodbye. I'll rely on your faith in me.

I got my feet on the ground
But my head's in the clouds
Can't forget where I come from
I hope your there when I'm done
I got my feet on the ground
But my head's in the clouds
Can't forget where I come from
I hope your there when I'm...

What If I fall along the way would
You be there to ease the pain?
It's my one shot can't fuck it up
And throw it away. Won't be long.
Won't be long before I break.

It's the touch, and the taste
It's the feel of a brand new place
When I go, you'll be there,
In a month in a year.

I got my feet on the ground
But my head's in the cloud
Can't forget where I come from
I hope your there when I'm done
I got my feet on the ground
But my head's in the clouds
Can't forget where I come from
I hope your there when I'm...

What If I fall along the way would
You be there to ease the pain?
It's my one shot can't fuck it up
And throw it away. Won't be long.
Won't be long before I break.

So you think that I am wasting my time
But I'm ready, ready to go.
So you know I've got this under control
But I'm ready...

What if I fall before along the way would you be there
To ease the pain? Cause it's my one shot
Can't fuck it up and throw it away, won't be long...

What If I fall along the way would
You be there to ease the pain?
It's my one shot can't fuck it up
And throw it away. Won't be long.
Won't be long before I break.

What If I fall along the way would
You be there to ease the pain?
It's my one shot can't fuck it up
And throw it away. Won't be long.
Won't be long before I break.

So you think that I am wasting my time
But I'm ready, ready to go.
So you know I've got this under control
But I'm ready...

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 23.12.2010 23:02

Mjaaau ! <':

Olipa kiva päivä ;

Eka Janetella, ja sitten jakelemas joululahjoja <3

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 25.09.2010 14:17

Serkkujen synttäreille hesaaaaaaaaan :D Ai että , ihanaa mennä ku ne on sellassii pieniä lapsukaisia vielä (:

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 11.09.2010 21:07

Viimeisin tupakka : en polta
Viimeisin alkoholijuoma : hmmm, jaa-a, no emmä ny muista.
Viimeisin autoajelu : eilen :D
Viimeisin nähty elokuva : Inception (oli muuten paras ikinä !)
Viimeisin itku : ei viime mut sitä edellinen pe.
Oletko koskaan:
Oletko koskaan joutunut tekemisiin poliisin kanssa? : en, enkä aio ! :D
Oletko koskaan uinut alastomana? : joo
Oletko koskaan ollut TV:ssä? : joo siinä Hetkinen (vai mikä se oli) ohjelmas joskus kolmannel tai neljännel ^^
Oletko koskaan suudellut jotakuta ja katunut sitä? : jeps
Oletko koskaan kirjoittanut päiväkirjaa? : Monestikkin (:
Pidätkö enemmän lumisateesta vai vesisateesta? : Vesisade ehdottomasti ♥
Mikä on lempivuodenaikasi ja miksi? : Kevät, koska sillon kaikki herää tavallaan eloon :)
Pidätkö jonkun maan kulttuurista erityisen paljon? : Australian, koska ne on niin lepposia, eikä hätkähdä pienestä ♥
Minkälaisista elokuvista pidät? : komediat,romantiikka, trillerit
Keitä kuuluu perheeseesi? : vanhemmat, sara & samuli, Mörri ja kalat
Minkälaisessa seurassa viihdyt? : mietitäänpä sitä sitten (:
Tunnetko paljon ihmisiä? : khyll
Seurusteletko? : enn
Keneltä haluaisit pyytää anteeksi nyt? : en keneltäkään , kaikki on reilas just nyt :D
Oletko tällä hetkellä riidoissa jonkun kanssa? : enn.
Onko sinulla lainkaan tapoja? : aamu kahvi ♥
Rakastatko ystäviäsi? : Tottakai !
Kelle puhuit viimeksi messengerissä? : Tim, kait ? Vai olisiko ollu Posa ?
Lause/sana jonka sanoit viimeksi? : Pahvi, kamerasta loppu akku.
Kelle tekstasit viimeksi, ja mitä? : Posalle et millon ja mis nähään
Paras sarja ikinä? : Emmä vaa tiiä n_n
Jaksatko elää elämääsi? Juuu

Lauantai 28.08.2010 15:36

You gotta swim
Swim for your life
Swim for the music that saves you
When you're not so sure you'll survive

You gotta swim
And swim when it hurts
The whole world is watching
You haven't come this far
To fall off the Earth

The currents will pull you
Away from your love
Just keep your head above

I found a tidal wave
Begging to tear down the dawn
Memories like bullets
They fired at me from a gun
Cracking the armour, yeah

I swim for brighter days
Despite the absense of sun
Choking on salt water
I'm not giving in
I swim

You gotta swim
Through nights that won't end
Swim for your family, your lovers
Your sisters and brothers and friends

Yeah you gotta swim
For wars without cause
Swim for these lost politicians
Who don't see their greed is a flaw

The currents will pull us
Away from our love
Just keep your head above

I found a tidal wave
Begging to tear down the dawn
Memories like bullets
They fired at me from a gun
Cracking the armour, yeah

I swim for brighter days
Despite the absense of sun
Choking on salt water
I'm not giving in
I'm not giving in
I swim

You gotta swim
Swim in the dark
There's no shame in driftin'
Feel the tide shifting
And wait for the spark

Yeah you gotta swim
Don't let yourself sink
Just find the horizon
I promise you it's not as far as you think

The currents will drag us away from our love
Just keep your head above

Just keep your head above

Just keep your head above

Just keep your head above

♥___________♥Sunnuntai 25.07.2010 01:05

hei, mihin se kesä meni ?Tiistai 20.07.2010 00:16

eikä !

Laskin tos just viikkoja koulun alkuun, voi vompatti se meijän 3 viikon joululoma, siis niin turha, kesälomalla sille 3 viikolle ois käyttöö, pläh.

ei tässä muuta ^^'
Minkä numeron uskot saavasi tänä vuonna :

matikasta ? - 8
musiikista ? - 8
fysiikasta ja kemiasta ? - 8-9
historiasta ? - 9
äidinkielestä ? - 7-8
ruotsista ? - 9
englannista ? - 9
uskonnosta ? - 7-8
biologiasta ? - 9
köksästä ? - 9
tekstiili/tekninen ? - 8
kuvaamataito ? - 8
liikunta ? - 8


Turkoosi kamera <33Tiistai 25.05.2010 19:51

Jo vihdoin !!

Sain uuden turkoosin kameran ... mikä onnen potku en ees toivonu sitä synttäri lahjaks ! :o Isä vaaa totes et tos on sun lahja (:: jee ! : D
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