


popiskelee ylipopistossa
Now this isn't nice at all, Canada. The little bit I'd heard about your nice, quiet, Northern country was rather good and positive, but this...

Who the fuck in their right mind would come up with this kind of imponderable arse-gravy?

I don't feel like this is even real, but it seems so. Also, there was a piece of news about a man who had his server hacked and had to pay thousands of (Canadian) dollars as fee. What? Do people now need to insure their Internets? What? WHAT?!

I don't want to talk about this any more, I just hope for the sake of Canadian freedom (which has nothing to do with me, but the subject is close to my heart, so...) that the twazzocks, nitwits, pea-brains, stinkers, planks, blighters, geezers and eggheaded half-wits (I just wanted to use my collected list of Insults-in-English which I have collected all by myself) will come to their nonexistent senses and do something more useful with their need for money.

(lookit an angry wall of text just above...)

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