


Thought it was a plane crash

peterPerjantai 13.03.2009 15:42

Q: There were a lot of fans dressed like you last night. Would you regard yourself as a style icon?

It’s hard because I don’t want to sound like an utter kn*b. [Posh accent] “Oh yes, I’m a style icon. Look at me.” No thanks. But secretly, yeah, I think I might be. I walk down the street and I see people in a trilby hat with a syringe sticking out of their arm and I think, “I recognise that look.”

Q: Do the public give you grief about Kate Moss?

A: I’d say eight out of 10 people on the street don’t give me stick, but then there’s the two. But that’s not because of Kate, people have always wanted to beat me up. They call me a queer. I’ll be walking around Hackney and someone will shout, “Poof!” They don’t even know who I am, just think I’m a bit poofy for some reason. I’m not queer, and even if I was, mate, someone who shouted poof at me would be the last person I’d go with. Football is where I really don’t feel safe. I’ll walk around east London at midnight and feel safer than I do at a match in the view of 20,000 people and the police. At football everyone is, “F*ck off you crack-head c*nt!”

Q: What has been your greatest ever gig?

There’s so many. I’ve had some amazing gigs. I think the ones that stick in the mind are from back when The Libertines first started getting support slots. We supported the Sex Pistols, Morrissey, The Strokes – it was amazing.

Q: Did you hang out with them?

With The Strokes, yeah. I actually already knew them before I was in a band or anything. It was back when I was working in a bar pulling pints. I used to sell a few little things on the side, you know? They were on their first tour, and were like just a few American lads in London looking for a good time. They met a friend of mine, who said I could get them a few bits and bobs. I think I sold them a load of acid, they gave me tickets to their gig, I got them some more acid and it went from there. (EI VITTU :DDDDDDDD bits and bobs, few little things :D:DD::D)

Current Central line statusKeskiviikko 11.03.2009 13:36

Severe delays are occurring due to a signal failure at Liverpool Street.

No, ei mulloo mikään kiire töihin.

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 10.03.2009 12:06

You might wanna stick one on his nose
Around his teeth, down this drug hole of him
They've nowhere else to go

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 07.03.2009 03:13

You're sitting on a couch singing Budsmokers Blues,
you're still wearing your black coat
and steel-toe shoes.

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 03.03.2009 01:20

tein ihan vitun hyvän playlistin iTunesiin äsken. ei mul muut

Flood of fortuneSunnuntai 01.03.2009 02:14

At the acme of his excellence
his shoe-heels were so worn off.
He was aiming for flood of fortune
and gravy train.

Can't see the bigger causes,
'cause he is so confused about bees knees.
He works hand in glove...
With himself.

Tries to understand the world
from inside of his small box.
Thinks everything he says
is like cat's whiskers.

Doesn't understand, is confused of
that I'm not interested.
Flood of fortune
I'm not aiming it.

Never gives up
but never wins either.
Just goes in the middle
so no-one will notice him before he's ready.

Ready, steady - go,
with one-way ticket in his breast pocket
he jumps on the gravy train.