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AndesMaanantai 18.01.2016 08:13

When I took a glance to the long white sack, found out, that one end ends to a very crowded pool-area (they possibly died because too little water and too much folks). Another end ends to a present lake. One branch goes to an area, where animals gathered to suck that sack. They died because lack of water. This theory came to mind, because there are marks of a community: They made the water pipe, for to give water to everybody! It makes sense. Some individual-resembling parts worked as tent-walls. The long white (water?) sack.. most visible part of the long sack is made of narrow charnia-parts, similar what I called "riukelo a´la viukelo" in Mars. I'm not sure of those, yet, but... looked like that. Yes this sounds totally ridiculous and crazy. Maybe the slimesack created itself accidently, not for a purpose... I have to check if they really worked as building parts of the water-pipe.
There are living building parts of community with Yorgia... that is a very old thing. Where ever you look at, there's co-operating where the ancient are in question. Sharing, joining, ... And flexibility in that what one can be.
Marked locations, so nobody can say that they are not there nor that they are not that big. They are.



(Unbelievable coincidences in fitting of the pictures' edges, when pasting ...)

Mountains. Andes.Maanantai 18.01.2016 08:09

Where black and light-gray "spider-legs" are, I had wroten there "a sack" in another picture, when looked at it from distance. Not a sack, not worms. It's those secrets of charnia-animals' side-leg-curtains (are those some charnia-larvas?) and inner beast-nails...


Is it the forfather of worms (parts)? And forfather of us (whole)? If that is animals' forfather, animals developed side by side with plants as creatures with roots. Are these animals REALLY only 65 million years old? This kind of animals should be much older. You really have to break the charnia-root's glass, go in, and take a proper rock-sample. :)


Giants of AndesLauantai 16.01.2016 10:09

I check first these scenes that i have collected. But the magnif...gloriou.. wonderful silk-sack will be handled in the future.
This place (where I thought there might be unbelievable camouflaging for a beast as good as I am, but there wasn't :) -but, may have still been at some points... it would mean existence of a predator with good eyes). Many will say, that those are not animals. You will loose... :D Shiny small animal of 1km length down on the left. Gray ones in the right upper corner: animals, of course. Place should locate somewhere here:,-70.4536445,5225m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=fi

"Cannot make difference..." those are all of charnia-origin. Bended, sacked, or so. I meant, that if one is already a mollusc, or one is already an insect in a sack, it's hard to understand who is who, and who makes an eggsack and who doesn't or doesn't anyone make an eggsack.... or are the larvas under mother or do dead parents transform to larvas or does 1 fetus come out of an eggsack or many or do those both happen depending on species?! Maybe should take some insect-book and start to study... &%#

There is unbelievable film-wall, white long sack, partly empty, partly full of animals. I cannot believe, that nobody has seen that. First I thought that it stands there and keeps big stoned fossiles up! :) Hardly so... but... there is a shadow of one, that is hanging in the air. I may be right, once again. Some of them are hell hanging in the air. Silky road for to make The Nature Document of nature documents. I wonder is it for catching animals, or some river's meaningless slime-hose... Hmm, animals try to reach the long silk-sack. They have died in lack of water !!!
(There are animals of nightmares: disgusting charnia has opened and fastened its mouth against the white sack-river. It may be a part of a whole "party-part" one. And the white foot on the green reaches itself from up there with a snake's body, sorry for that left it under another pic.)

Under there is a flat charnia, on it there's the bend or not bend spiky, the spiky's back curves as to a tub, and some "foot-package" sinks a bit into the tub? There's a big leaf, and someone made a package of small leaves (too hard to see, I should not have taken this view). Or is the whole "wagon" a creature, that has tentacles + eyes??!! White pile in the front area: necrophages? Isopod-related?, and a glimpse of a crab's claw?

Nyt näet mitä vuoret ovat.Perjantai 15.01.2016 11:37

Only 6 clear pics ready. (Sharpened light. Shapes are un-touched.) THIS MONSTER IS ... - if viewed carefully, understands, that the "legs" are babies. They are its babies. Larvas. The sight is common with big mountains, that there are leg-kinds of... usually the babies are under mom's "roof", I think. Don't remember seeing them hanging from the edge. These are unknown creatures, and I'm not a biologist. Pics are not the easiest to read. Once again new knowledge. Hmm... they are dieing, looking for better hold?, struggling uselessly in "the world-end", not getting fluids? boiled maybe? dried - but it does not look like drying. Larvas should not hang so outside. Maybe it was not mother? Maybe larvas can eat. Hmm again: parent is in wrong position, and larvas aim always upwards, because they use to live under the parent? This is MAYBE the reason why we can see the larvas. It is not a question, that has no answer.

lacy one . . flat one with reproduction chamber . . . . . . . sucking or other affair

No niin. Nyt näet mitä vuoret ovat.Perjantai 15.01.2016 11:28

Hiekan läpi näkee helposti Photoshopilla. Olen sen sanonut, mutta kukaan ei ole uskonut. Tehokkaampikin tapa on, mutta hyvin hidas, ja tulee mustavalkoista palapelikuvaa. Liekö hiekkaa vai ehkä tomun tms peittämää puoliläpinäkyvää kalvoa taas... no sitähän se, kun kerran noin sileä on. Ei tietenkään paksun hiekan läpi näe (ja valo, hiekan kirkkaat kiteet + kiteiden välit ja kamerahan sen tekevät... tekisivät, jos tuo olisi hiekkaa).

I lost many locations lately, but not in this case. Location:,-69.8971892,1428m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=fi

Giants. Andes.Keskiviikko 13.01.2016 10:47

P.S. Let me see, maybe not a newborn baby, but a charnia with curved body? What are the "bones"? Are THOSE some larvas?? Or legs. Damn again. I don't have knowledge. There was "skeleton" of one broad-headed, with numerous "nails"... those are them. Many charnias had numerous bony legs under them... If I was a machine, I'd have registered the data about nails as "possible common structure, look for similar ones". But I am "Oh, there were that kinds, la-laa, what else ..." Lousy performance.
(Older text, bullshit: Is this a swimming larva, that died, and because was a baby, it was too vulnerable and sudden death, maybe got boiled or something, and couldn't make a cover? Body started the transformation to larvas? What would have been the life like? Fasten bottom, grow, with a mate make a sack, which meant: to die? There may have been different ways, like... not to search a mate... or threesome or foursome, depending on towards what species you happen to be developing. Do you remember the theory about "tumors on skin when tissue thinks it's dead"... <-- I got the theory from local rocks, that should not contain fossiles: it's world's oldest.)

The lower one may not be that long. There may even be lego-thing, between the creatures, how they meet each other. Hard to believe of these ones, that there were such matching joints. Anyway, animals. Hmm... the big one bites the one, that has rised up as a bow.

Location:,-69.9470269,1302m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=fi - Luulin että otuksella on kummallakin sivulla vähintään 3 koristeellista pullottavaa nappi-aukkoa. Sattaa ollakin. Ihan kuin pään sivuilla ainakin olisi. Kilven päällä on useita eläimiä. "Kilven" pyrstöosan päällä joku tekee spiraalin ja on tainnut samaan syssyyn tehdä itselleen sekä itsestään kotelon. Kun tarkemmin katsoo, huomaa, että koko isonkin otuksen sisus saattaa olla täynnä charnioita. Otus taitaakin olla muuttunut koteloksi. Voi hemmetti näitä...

Kuusi on ikivihreä.... Mount Everest ... <-- se tulis Pori-Vaasa -ufojen kohdalle... en ole kaivellut nimiä, paitsi katsoin Andit, ja oli muutama osuva. ... nein, auch im Winter, wen es sneit,,, oliko se sneit... vai mikä se oli... että "kun sataa lunta". <--> NE TEKIVÄT SEN TAAS. Ennustivat tämän hetken. 7 valopallolla. ...ööh... luulisin niin. Kaiken lisäksi Finntriolla lienee takeissa buttons on both side. ... tai sitten eivät... pälkähti vaan päähän, kun olin juuri keksinyt es sneit. Heillä on päivämäärät ja säiden historiat, Tämä ja eräs toinen asia todistaa, että heillä on myös säiden historia siellä. Se näyttää täältä siltä, että tekee taikatempun suurella sulalla. Pieni sattuma verrattuna moneen muuhun osuvaan juttuun, niin tämä on siis horinaa. Eikun... :)
Nyt on tammikuun 13. päivä, vuonna 2015.

Andes. Giants.Tiistai 12.01.2016 17:51

This is among weirdest. Not manmade. I don't believe that to be manmade. (I looked the pic in wrong way: upper white doesn't reach at all down.) Boxes form a larvasack! And gray sack made rectangle "robot-larvas"! This must be something unique.... It jumps over the "gray-sack-generation", and grandkids and rectangle? :) I am just reading the picture! :) It is dreamy and has stripes, + weird dreamy rectangle-on-reactangle plates. + every corner is not a corner. People don't build stripe-roofed, unreal growth, where a wall of 100m length is curved and where wall of 60m length is open, curved & unregular, while other halls are at the same time stripe-roofed in nature-way, exact rectangles but dreamy-outlined. :) I like this. It's so natural and so unnatural. I change my mind: it is not frightening. It is special, very fascinating, and would like to see it closely. I would imagine, that those cakes are hollow halls inside, filled by stoned mud, stoned animals+fungi + one or two original inhabitants: stoned larvas of different shapes. (First I thought that it was devilish infectious growth of poisonous fungi.)

This gets better. Giants of Andes.Maanantai 11.01.2016 16:53

There's so much to find there. I try to find "sure" views. Location:,-70.1103263,6310m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=fi Maybe laying sacks, and not standing ones? Creature's top gets rid, searches a mate, and dies in transforming to sack & to larvas?

I checked the "in stasis in holes" -points. There's nobody. Looks like there were... should check again....
(If those left their roots, literally, they are like those from Iraq/Syria, got to hard white place.)
^ Hiiala-housuja. Stressman-takkeja. Sanokaa että Houdeni. Vaasassa.<--Pori "kartta painaa"
move silently. Batistini-parta. <-- Kuusamo "paina kartta"
Juuri oikeenlaista kolinaa. <-- Sysmä "paina kartta"
Tuntomerkit... Ei oo näkyny - Minä se oon. Haista ite koko *piip* *piip* Törkeetä<-- Kallavesi
Highlanderin ottopoika ... Osumia tulee jos on materiaalia mistä kerätä. Hyviä osumia...

This is from Andies-mountains. There are these packages, but much thicker/plumper, on asteroid Vesta, and there much bigger. It's clear. You recognise the package of its borderline, and see "packing" at the border. Border also has cuts and angles. I tried to find "original individuals" from inside, but ... there isn't, I guess. It's part of bigger... (hardly it packs other species inside. :) I had such idea about Yorgia. Who knows it made that, mixed species even. <-- a good theory, in my eyes. :) 2-3 things support it.)


THIS is a good proof. :) Not all of those mountain-parts were alive in Andes, but there are parts, which were. Location:,-69.7146497,3727m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=fi
This should be very interesting for biologists. (They may roll themselves also for reproduction... it may be the same thing, rolling, dieing and reproduction. We know they were in trouble at that time, because they died.) Bluewhale is not the biggest creature on earth ever. These were 2,5 km long, or maybe longer. Several individuals in a roll-kind of disc? Right? (Nothing new: Yorgia...) If you see two horns side by side in the right upper corner: there are similar in Vesta!

Ufot näyttivät: katsoo karttaa. Eivät turhaan näytelleet. :) Tai no en tiedä näyttivätkö turhaan, mutta tämä kartta ei ole turha.
Olen tehnyt tätä monta päivää putkeen (nukkunut kuitenkin yöt). Siis etsinyt näitä. En koko ajan, mutta melkein.

Sacks of Alps. And of Andes.Lauantai 09.01.2016 14:43

Isn't it cute, the baby jelly animal? :) What I've seen, blond snakes come out from parent's body. Out from charnia's "mouth", "chest", usually. I don't know, if the chamber is the mother of that gray baby, or was it put there, or small egg swam there? This kind of "larva" doesn't seem a moving creature, to me... Nearly everything is covered somehow. Did they fail here in covering? The creatures, I mean. Location:,-69.5375078,6913m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=fi


This small text is about half billion years old creatures, not about Alps:
One should have only read photo of stone. Old stone of Yorgia. Plants, rooty and leafy plants, made together the ("egg"-)sack. (I don't see eggs anywhere.) They transformed themselves inside it to animal kind of larvas, which may well have struggled themselves loose of the fastening wires (or the wires weakened themselves, too, for to give the newborn freedom). I have been too lazy to look at the stone. Maybe that species has more unbelievable secrets, like such, that they close into the sack not only plants... ! <-> why does one similar sack contain as one participant a creature, that is a mixture of charnia, insect and an octopus? :) Maybe it's a different species... or species blended very well? :) <-- would not be a surprise: there, where crawling tiny "charnia-larvas", their shape altered from animal to plant, from long to short, from narrow to wide, and from flat to thick. There may be other signs too, about different (jelly-)creatures being "about the same", living side by side and joining to each other. This is quite interesting and mysterious and weird. I guess that not only the line separating individuals was unclear, but the line separating species, too!

Blue pictures are negatives of Yorgia, 20 cm size it was. It is very old fossile, among first animals, and lived before cambrian explosion-of-life. They think it was among first moving creatures. Maybe: the narrow "south-western-wire" looks like that, that a ready, strong larva could break. Ages are like: blue: 500 million, green: 50 million years. If nobody can show any better pancake-alternative, that blue larva is our forfather (or forfather's close brother). I'm sure, that the big sack of Alps is the same, of its structure, as Yorgia's sack. And so, was alive and contained larvas.

The blue very old sacks seem to have a wire ending to a root-kind, that looks like a black ... ehm..negative .. white that is really, cow's hoof (lehmänsorkka in Finnish). There really is a need for real scientists, studing such things. May go to botany. From animals, back in time to plants. At least for entomologists and botanists: the older ones. The Alps: for experts of insects, I would say.

There is caterpillar-resembling stuff there ... visible part of the violet caterpillar(s): 6 km.
There is no question of that, if that was giant life or not. There hangs a disgusting slimy foot... that was and is real. It's an innocent weaving head or so.. eeh.. head? ass? - well, the "foot" anyway - should not be disgusting. But if by chance one of such woke up.. Some of the sacks make clouds. :) Heh heh. Isn't it so, that where spirit is, that is alive? :) I know that they are now so called stone. What caused the death? Dryness? Cold?