
22:40Sunnuntai 05.04.2015 22:40

"If you know a Scorpio I highly recommend locking your doors and windows, in fact I suggest that you go as far as installing a panic room in your home, you can never be too safe with these little fuckers watching your every move.

The best tip that I can give you right now is that you should go to church and pray, it is the only place that those demon children are not allowed to enter. Bathe in holy water and always carry some with you! If you see a Scorpio walking towards you in an inhumanly fast speed do not hesitate to spray them with it, once you see smoke itÂ’s your queue to run! Barricade yourself in your home and consume large amounts of salt and garlic! Unfortunately there is no way escaping a Scorpio but, they are known to retreat and move on to their next victim after they lose their interest in you.

Beware that ScorpioÂ’s are smart and will most likely not disclose that they are in fact a Scorpio. Here are some tips on figuring out if youÂ’re dealing with one.

They drink blood.
You can often hear them cursing in old Latin.
They always have a knife with them.
They are extremely hot (this is because they come from hell) so do not touch them or you risk getting third degree burns.
Some can turn their head 180 degrees."

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