


✩ Sun on suotta väristä, käsitä että päälliköt ei välitä. ☠ kik: kebaah

You're not hurt, are you happy now ?Sunnuntai 16.09.2012 17:45


I didn't know you were a fake
Every lie straight to my face
So blind I could not see
Right behind my back you stabbed me
Should've know you were a bitch
Shut up you're making me sick
Little man you're nothing like me
Lying cheating so deceiving
I trusted you broke me down
And you screwed me over

Don't try to deny it
You cannot hide it
Ill be ignited
When I get to watch you burn

Burn Burn
I wanna watch you burn
Burn Burn
I wanna watch you burn

You're gonna get what you deserve
I wanna watch you burn

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