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[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 31.10.2008 03:49

Name: jenny.
Birthday: 2.18.87.
Astrological sign: aquarius.
Chinese zodiac sign: rabbit!
Location: bleh de mehhh.
Eye color: green.
Height: 5'4''.
Shoe size: 5½.

Parents still together? yes.
Kids of your own? no.
Grandkids? no.
Pets? cats & dogs.
Education: went to high school & university for some time.
Rent, lease, or own your home: lease I suppose, with the family.
Have any credit cards? yes.
What do you drive? I bike!

Color: cotton candy pink, baby blue & black.
Number: 9.
Animal: cats, dogs, bears & koalas.
Vehicle: trams & trolleys.
Flower: mehh.
Book: despite everything, double duce & catcher in the rye.

Do you
Color your hair? yes.
Have tattoos? yes.
Piercing? yes.
Cheat on tests/homework? no.
Drink/smoke? yes/yes.
Wish you could live somewhere else? YES.
Want more piercings? no.
Like cleaning? no.
Swear a lot? yes.
Own a web cam? yes.
Know how to drive? yes. a little at least.
Diet? no.
Own a cell phone? yes.
Ever get off the damn computer? hardly! only for work.

Have you ever
Been arrested? no.
Been in a fist fight? no.
Kicked someone in the nuts? hit but not kicked, I think.
Stolen anything? yes.
Held a gun? yes.
Been so drunk you couldn't remember your name? close enough!
Cried over a girl? yes.
Cried over a boy? yes.
Lied to someone? yes.
Been in love? right now <3
Fallen for your best friend? no.
Made out with JUST a friend? yes. nearly all of them.
Used someone? no.
Been used? naw.
Been kissed? yes.

Current mood: mehh.
Current music: metallica on tv -___-
Current taste: my taste buds are numb -___-
Current hair: black!
Current annoyance: people.
Current smell: can't really smell anything..
Current thing I ought to be doing: sleeping :s
Current windows open? this and an aim conversation with robert <3
Current desktop picture: jawbreaker.
Current book: black coffee blues by henry rollins.
Current cds in stereo: none.
Current crush: roberto!
Current hate: people. as usual. c
Current job: cable boxes all night long -__-

The last time
Last movie you saw: can't remember :s I'm gonna say rock n' roll high school! <333
Last thing you had to drink: water :s
Last thing you ate: pasta & vegetables.
Last person you talked to on the phone: robert <3

Do you
Do drugs? whenever I have the access to weed.. :P
Have a dream that keeps coming back? naw, but I dream about aliens fairly often :s
Play an instrument? bass. I guess a guitar a little now as well :P
Believe there is life on other planets? yes. not in our galaxy though.
Remember your first love? yes, it's happening right now!
Still love him/her? yes <3
Read the newspaper? it happens.
Have any gay or lesbian friends? not that I know of, but I know I have some bisexual friends at least.
Believe in miracles? I don't know.
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever? yes.
Do well in school? whatever.
Wear hats? yeah.
Hate yourself? no.
Have an obsession? I guess.
Have a secret crush? no.
Collect anything? experiences.
Have a best friend? yes.
Close friends? yes.
Like your handwriting? yes.
Care about looks? sometimes more, sometimes less.

First crush: billy idol! :D
First kiss: when I was 16.. -___-
Ever been in love? right now <3
Do you believe in love at first sight? naw.
Do you believe in "the one"? yes.

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