


turn the lights off

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 08.07.2008 06:05

Ziva: I am here if you want to talk.
Tony: About what?
Ziva: I know how much you cared about her.
Tony: Im fine, Ziva.
Ziva: Allright, but i thought maybe you needed a little cheering up.
Tony: If i needed to be cheered up i would have put Super-Glue on McGees keyboard.
McGee: You put Super-Glue on my keyboard!

"If anything happens to my son, ill kill your brothers, your uncle and your father. And after their funeral, ill kill you."
"No brothers, no uncles, father passed away long time ago. I have 3 ex-wifes whos names and addresses i will gladly fax on to you."

"Ziva, did you kill Houdini?"
"It is possible. I do not remember all their names."

"What did i miss?"
"Gibbs just found his fourth ex-wife."

"Know her?"
"Wish i could say i did."
"Maddie Tyler."
"Who is?"
"Ask McGee."
"Said it was personal."
"New girlfriend?"
"Too young."
"Not a redhead."
"Nice. McGeek, McGoogle... Her name."

McGee: Is something wrong boss?
Gibbs: Just admireing your feminin glow.

McGee: Theres no personal data, but i did find an API had ridden interface to his home automation system to his cars onboard navigation computer.
Tony: Hmm... Yeah.. Pretend your talking to someone who actually has sex with other humans.

Tony: Anyone else feeling itchy? Maybe thats a bugbite.
McGee: Or a ratbite.
Tony: Nonono.. look at that spot.
Ziva: Its a freckle.
Tony: Not a freckle.
Ziva: Freckle.
Tony: Never had a freckle there.
Ziva: You've allways had that freckle!
Tony: Aaah.. How would you know wether I had a freckle or didnt have a freckle, and by the way, I HAD NEVER HAD THAT FRECKLE!

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