


I don't need to be touched by you

It's tearing me apart. Sunnuntai 09.03.2008 17:42

It's hard to explain, how many will feel the pain when one of us goes away.
Hard to explain, how much this hurts and how much we're missing you.
I can't find the words to tell, what's going on in my head.

But I hope, I truly too, more than anything I hope,
that there really is a better place,
place where you feel a lot better.
Place which is full of peace and light and love.

I'd do anything, even for a moment with you.
Just to say sorry for the things I've done,
just to hug you and tell you how much I care.

It's so hard to understand that you're gone.
Why did you have to go?
Why now? Why this way?
This can't be true, it's way too cruel.

You had so much to see,
so much life to live.
I don't understand this.

It's hard to explain this longing, but it hurts,
it tears me up to pieces, it's shredding my insides.

I wish that you could come back,
even for a minute, just so I could say,
the things I never had time to say.

I know you'd want me to go on with my life,
but it's hard, and it's getting harder everyday.

I miss you, and I never stop missing you.

(c) booberry

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