
~',*~'*,~Tiistai 27.09.2011 01:15

If someone brokes your loneliness, you can never get used to be alone again.
It's like trying to quit smoking: someday you will take a cigarette again.
It's like the most powerful drug: You addict to it for the rest of your life first time you try it.
It doesn't help, if you clearly understand, that the person, who once waded it's way to your heart,
doesn't anymore exist. That person has changed to unknow.
Now that person can never hurt you again and make it's evil spell, even if it wanted to.
And besides, it wouldn't even want to.
And of course no one else can't do it.
The judgment is final and you can't complain.
But the longing stays in your heart forever.

- Natalja Klutsarjova

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