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South Park:Sunnuntai 26.10.2008 20:15

- I think I know the answer Mr.Garison


-shut up fat boy!

-äh, don't call me fat, you fucking jew

-Eric! did you just say the F-word?


-NO! he's talkin about fuck, you can't say fuck in school you fucking fat ass!


-why the fuck not?


-Dude! you just said Fuck again!




-What's the big deal? it doesn't hurt anybody, fuck fuck it fuck fuck!

-How would you like to go and see the school chancellor?!

-How would you like to suck my balls?


-What did you say?

oh, I'm sorry I'm Sorry acctually what I said was: How would you like to suck my balls, Mr. Garison?

-Holy shit, dude!

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