


This is the realm of the shadows - A place that should not be

Cleansed By FlamesKeskiviikko 25.07.2012 04:32

The world is burning...
see the skies breaking apart.
My eyes are bleeding.
Though, there is nothing to see in here.

Where to go now?
All cities are wiped out.
I must find shelter.
Or i'll be soon dead too.

All seems doomed,
this must be the end.
Our endless lust for power
drove us to our end.

I can feel
Remains of the human race
With my bare feet...
Im going numb!

But maybe i can build it all again.
Make it work this time.
There might be still water
under the soil.

We will rise up again.
From the smoke and dust.
There must be others too
who survived from this hell.

There was no god!
There was no salvation!
There was no hope for
people got killed!

I can see it now!
This is not the end!
This is not the end,
we will get even!

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